7 FEBRUARY 1914, Page 15


urn ram Zones or rite "Srsoreroa."1 S111,—It is of interest to know that it is not in this country alone that the fight against the slave labour system in Portuguese West Africa is being carried on, but that on the Continent too the subject is being vigorously discussed. I have received from M. Rene Claparede, the well-known Swiss publicist, a pamphlet by him entitled L'Esclavage Portugais et is Journal de Geneve, dealing with a recent discussion in the newspaper named, in which the editor maintained that the accusations brought against the Portuguese Republic of encouraging a slave system in West Africa were unfounded, and that the arguments of the British Anti-Slavery Society had been completely answered by the Portuguese Govern- ment, which had done everything possible for the welfare of the natives. M. Claparede, who took part in the corre- spondence, shows in how one-sided a way the case was presented in the newspaper, and points out how fully the slavery charges were borne out by the speakers in the House of Lords' debate last summer. M. Claparecle's brochure, which is published in Paris, is a terse and effective state- ment of the ease against Portuguese slavery. We shall be glad to supply copies from this office, gratis, to any persons


The Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society, Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W.

[In case some of our readers should not be familiar with M. Claparede's name, we may mention that he has for many years carried on with great ability and perseverance a Swiss campaign in favour of freedom for the African natives— first in the Congo, and now in Portuguese West Africa.—En. Spectator.]