7 FEBRUARY 1920, Page 3

On January 26th The Auction of Souls, a film which

had been produced in America, was given -for the first time at the Albert Hall. A book with the same title has also just been published (Odhams, 2s. net). Both film and book concern the massacre of 500,000 Armenians by the Turks, and they tell the story of Aurora Mardiganian, who alone of her family survived the massacres and deportations. Her father was killed before the eyes of his family, and after months of suffering she saw her elder brother and her little brother and sister first mutilated and then killed and her elder sister outraged before her eyes. After eighteen months, during which she suffered every conceivable humiliation, outrage, and misery, mental as well as physical, she managed to escape to Petrograd. Thence she contrived to get to America, where she dedicated herself to the task of showing to the world the wrongs that her country had suffered. The film version was produced in America, when Miss Mardiganian re-enacted her story as a testimony.