7 FEBRUARY 1958, Page 17

Zrrilp 6nertator

FEBRUARY 9, 1833

THE conduct of the dignitaries of the Church towards their inferiors. in ecclesiastical rank, is too (men apt to be insulting in the extreme. Some of the most able and in many respects useful of the Bishops are per- fectly hated by the Curates and small incumbents. These latter complain of the want of even a decent hospitality at the Palace, and of decent civility at a visitation, on the part of their diocesan.

There cannot be a greater mistake than- to suppose that a thorough reform of the Establishment would be unpopular:among the Clergy at large. Curates are of necessity cautious men; but they who have had an opportunity of ascertaining their real views and feel- ings on the subject Of Church Reform, know that their delight is unbounded at the prospect of levelling the pride of the Bishops and the Deans.