7 FEBRUARY 1987, Page 32

A Word from the Comet

Light-years in the dark, Swimming, a sperm of stone, I am driven by no hunger.

Out of the natural dark Earth came then, an amazing pod curving And brightening through far blue zones.

Human billions I saw, tiny and staring, Small bulbs of brain swaying And turning on frail stalks And I warmed to them They taught me fear, I drew Near to them and learned death I grew cold, I knew time.

Nightly I watched the marvellous Traffic unroll out of their cities, Long carpets of blood; all the bright choirs Of bone sweet in their smoke I saw, amazed, and priests there In elaborate kits, speaking urgently Of forever, then stepping off Into the nothing I know so well.

And now, as I continue my journeying, I hear thin voices fading: They insist I have meaning, I have none, I am safely in the dark again now, it is over, A strange, sad odour of bone