7 JANUARY 1837, Page 14



On the 30th Dec., at Stichill House, Roaburglishire, the Lady ELIZABETH M. Pat SOLE, of a daughter. On the 20 inst., at Connaught Place, the Hon. Mrs. TROT, ea. of a daughter. On the 1st inst., at Harborne, the Lady of DANIEL WAKEFIELD, Esq., junior, of a daughter. 00 the 6th inst.. Mrs. CHARLES DICKENS, of a son.

On the 20th of July last, at Hazareebaugh, East Indies, the Wife of II. ROUTH, Esq., his Majesty's 49th Regiment, of a son.

On the 3t1 inst„ at Winchester, the Wife of the Rev. Dr. Moszatv, of a son. MARRIAGES.

On the 29th of Dec., at Badminton, C. W. CODRINGTON, Esq.. M.P., to the Lady GEORGIANA SOMERSET, second daughter of his Grace the Duke of ileanfort.

On the 31st Dec., at St. Georke's, Hanover Square, EDWARD. eldest son of Thomas Partingtom Esq., of Offham, Sussex, to SUSAN FRANCES, eldest daughter of John Boodle, Esq.

On the 21st Dec., at St. George's, lIanover Square, J.:,E. Low, Esq., to Loursa, Widow of the late Lieut.-Col. Williams.

Ou the 29th Dec., at St. Martin'win.the•Fields. the Rev. FREDERIC WICKHAM, M.A., Fellow of New College, Oxford, to LOUISA MARGARET, eldest daughter of the Rev. Edward Chaplin, of Camden Town.


On the 31st Dec., at her residence, Leeson Street, the Dowager Lady POWERSCOURT. On the 21st Dec., at Aberystwith, MARTA, Viscountess BOLINGBROKE, Wife of Fleury Viscount Bolingbroke, and second daughter of the late Sir Henry St. John MiltImay, Bart.

On the 6th Dec., off Malta, Commander HENRY JELLICOE, of his Majesty's ship Canopus.

On the 1st inst., at his apartments in the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, in his 91st year, Field.Marshal the Right Hon. Sir Samuel 11u1.SE,G.C.11., Governor and Commandant of that Establishment, and Col. of the 62,1 Regiment of lafautry. On the 29th Dec., at her residence, Atlelphi Terrace, Lady Balsas, Relict of Sir Pdwanl Banks, the extensive contractor for erecting bridges, &e. On the 28th Dec., in his 69.h year. Jolts: Jouarrorre. M.D., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, and of the Royal Society, it Magistrate for the Counties of War- wick and Worcester. and formerly of Merton College, °afar& On the 24th Dee., at Heydon Hall, in the county of Norfolk, E mum, Wife of William Lytton Bulwer, Esq., in her 29th year.

On the 1st inst., at Speen. Berko, the Rev. GEORGE WELD, in his 76th year. OD the 20th Dec.. at Ellit1111111411, the Lady of Sir ions NASMYTH, Bart., of Posso, Peebles ; and on the same day, their second son, STEWART NASMYTIt.

On the 4th inst., JOHN DE GRENIER FUNBLANQUE, Esq , of the Middle Temple, one of his Majesty's Counsel, in his nit year. . On the 3.1 inst., the Rev. lircusan SMYTH, Rector of Stapleford-Tawney. with-They. don Mount, Essex, in his 81st year. On the 26th Dec., at liardnev, Lincoln, Mr W. HAYNES, in his 62d year ; and on the 29th, REBECCA, in her 59th year—brother and sister.