7 JANUARY 1837, Page 16


Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th Jan. 1836 and 5th Jan. 1837; is/towing the luereabe or Decrease on each head thereof.

Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Post-office Miscellaneous

TotalOrdinary Revenue.. Imprest and other Monies, in- cluding Repayments of Ad- vances for Public Works ,

Total Income...

Customs Excis • Stamps Taxes Post-office Miscellaneous

Total Ordinary Revenue.. Imprest and other Monies, in chiding Repayments of Ad %ancestor Public Works ...

Total Income...

Years ended 1836. San. 5th 1837. Increase. Decrease.

£ 18,622,906 11,544,760 6,569,309 3,676,523 1,418,000

59,866 £ 19,716,440 12,744,174 0,750.421 3,639,761 1,490,000


£ 1,003,534 1,199,414 181,112 13,238 72.000 ..

30,695 £ .. .. ..

15,035 ..

19,.36 .. 41,891,364 533,843 44,431,626 569,533 42,430,207 45,001,164 2,589,993 19,036 2,570.957 Deduct Decrease Increase on the Year .. ---- --- Decrease.

£ 450,477 46,1118 1',703 Quarters ended 1836. Jan. 5th 1837. Increase.



3,347,763 . 1.619,547 ., 1,575.616 . 3451100 21:576

£ 4,069,938 3,803,764 1.573,529 1,504,660 349,000 9,873


• • 450,001 19,011 4,000


45.414 11,400,764

. 11,429,947

. 142,531 137,905 . 11,572,528 11,533,759 524,429 308,198


.. Deduct Decrease Increase on the Quarter 16,231 ..

Income and Charge on the Consolidated Fund, in the Quarters ended 5th Jan. 1836 and 1837.


Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Post-office Miscellaneous

Tontine Money To Cash brought to this Account to replace the like Sun: issued, or to be issued out of the Consolidated Fund in Ireland for Supply and other Services To Cash brought to this Account from the Civil List, Sup- plies, 2:c

838,074 693,854 11,257,333 11,338,1015 Quarters et ded Jan. 5.

1836. 1437.


Permanent Debt

Terminable Annuities

Interest on Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge on the

Consolidated Fund

Sinking Fund.

Civil List

Other Charges on the Consolidated Fund, including Civil Government Services, formerly paid 4,0 t of the Civil List or the Hereditary Revenues of the Crown

Total Charge.


Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge ou the Consoli- dated Fund for the Quarter ended and paid oft' out of the growing produce of that Fund fur the Quarter ended Jan. 5 1837 Amount issued in the Quarter ended 5th Jam 1837. in Fut of the Sums granted by Parliament out of the Consolidated Fund, for Supply Services The Surplus of the Consolidated Fund. Quarter ended 5th Jou. 1837 The probable Amount of Exchequer Bills required to meet the charge on the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 5th


Quarters ci led 5,

1836. 1-37.

3,483.8993,4:93,315 3,3-17,763 3,803,764 1,619,547 1,573,529 1,575,6461,59166u 345,001. 349,000. 45,406 29,984 10,419.261 10,641,252 .

£ 8,117,863 720,346 3,795 674,033 127.500 422,221 10,070,283 1,267,923 11,338,106 3,343,071 1.892,951 5,236,622 8,103,418 714,051 5,041 355.476 127,500 381.072 9,717.553 1,5:J9,773 11,257,335

• •

3,160,774 1,267.823