7 JANUARY 1837, Page 6

DUPIN exhorted that assembly to throw off the weight of

terror " The war with the Seminoles during the summer was, on our part, chiefly which the attack on the Kings life had naturally produced, and confined to the protection of our frontier settlements from the incursions of the proceed to the task of legislation wltli independence and calmness. enemy ; and, as a necessary and important means for the arcomplishment of On Wednesday, DUCHATEL presented several financial bills to that end, to the maintenance of the posts previously established. In the course the Chamber, and the budget for 1838. He stated, that in con- of this duty, several actions took place, in which the bravery and discipline of sequence of the recent commercial embarrassments, it was not his both officers and men were conspicuously displayed, and which I have deemed proper to notice, in respect to the former, by the granting of brevet rank for intention to propose any plan fur reducing the interest on the Five gallant services in the field. But as the force of the Indians was not so far per Cent. Stock. weakened by these partial successes as to lead them to submit, and as their PERSIL has commenced a fresh crusade against the press, under savage inroads were frequently repeated, early measures were taken for placing the pretence, utterly false and absurd, that MEUNIER the assassin at the disposal of Governor Call, who, as Commander-in-Chief of the territorial militia, had been temporarily invested with the command, an ample force for had been instigated by newspaper articles to murder the King. the purpose of resuming offensive operations in the most efficient manner so Several journal's, including the Siecle, the Courrier Francais, and soon as the season should permit. Major- General Jessup was also directed, on the Temps, have been seized at the post, and prosecutions threat- the conclusion of his duties in the Creek country, to repair to Florida and as- ened. The Temps states, that the last time that journal was seized sume the command. was on the 25th of July 1830, by the POLIGNAC Ministry. The " The result of the first movement made by the forces under the direction of

crime of these papers is their asserting that the King's life is ex-

excited much surprise and disappointment. A full explanition has been re- posed to danger only in consequence of his unconstitutional dicta- quit eil of the causes which led to the failure of that movement, but had not yet lion in the government of the country. The Journal des Debats, been received. In the mean time, as it was feared that the health of General however, condemns this arbitrary and violent proceeding, as,utterly Call, who was understood to have suffered much from sickness, might not be useless and uncalled-for; and it is thence concluded, that Guizor adequate to the crisis, and as Major- General Jessup was known to have reached disapproves of his colleague's precipitancy, and that no further Florida, that officer was directed to assume the command, and to prosecute all will be taken against the journals in question.

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needful operations with the utmost promptitude and vigour. From the force at his disposal, and the dispositions he has made and is instructed to make, and Nothing has been elicited respecting MEUNIER t ER, except that he is from the very efficient measures which it is since ascertained have been taken by an idle, dissipated desperado, formerly a journeyman saddler, and Governor Ciill, there is reason to hope that they will soon be enabled to reduce afterwards a clerk in a waggon-office. He is try ing to persuade the enemy to subjection."

his keepers that he is insane, by playing all sorts of tricks and An increase of the navy and a reorganization of the militia are talking inedierently. ANQuarrit.'s History of France, he says, recommended ; and General JACKSON again presses upon Con- inspired him with a deadly hatred of the Bourbons ; and so he had gress the necessity of such an alteration in the Constitution as resolved, from the time of his perusing that work, to kill the King. shall " prevent, in any event, the election of the President and Twu fresh arrests have been made, of persons supposed to be in Vice-President of the United States devolving on the House of some way connected with MEUNIER; but those who were first Representatives and the Senate." Various other topics of minor

taken into custody have been discharged. interest are touched upon ; but the striking feature of the mes- ACHNIKT, Bey of Constantine, is making great preparations to sage is its exposition of the financial state of the country. resist the threatened attack of the French : he has beets rein- " You will perceive, from the report of the Secretary of the Treasury, that forced by Arab deserters from C L AUSEL. That officer is to give the financial means of the country continue to keep pace with its improvement explanations and make his defence before the Chambers : he is in all other respects. The receipts into the Treasury, during the present year, will amount to about 47,691,898 dollars; those from customs being estimated daily expected in Paris. at 22,523,151 dollars ; those from lands at about 24,000,000, and the residue On the very day that Lord HENRY Russitee and Captsin TUB. from miscellaneous sources. The expenditures for all objects during the year NER were arrested in Paris under the pretence that they were are estimated not to exceed 22,000,000 dollars; which will leave a balance in Curlist emissaries, it was announced in the Paris newspapers, that the Treasury fur public purposes, on the 1st day of January next, of about a large quantity of saltpetre and other warlike stores had been 41,723,959 dollars. This sum, with the exception of five millions, will be sent across the frontier to Don CARLOS, from Bayonne. Yet transferred to the several States, in accordance with the provisions of. the Act Louis Pinup did not scruple to declare that he had fulfilled the " The unexpended balance of appropriation, on the 1st day of January next, conditions of the Quadruple Treaty with " religious fidelity !" is estimated at 14,636,062 dollars, exceeding by 9,636,062 dollars the amount