7 JANUARY 1843, Page 11

The news in the Paris papers of Thursday is not

without interest. The impression that Ministers would be able to carry through the im- pending session triumphantly was hourly becoming stronger in Paris. Even the exacerbated Opposition paper the National admits that fact, and affects to rejoice at it, because " the continuance of the existing Government would ultimately open the eyes of the country to a sense of its real situation "! The correspondent of the Times however avers, that Ministers contemplate a stroke of policy which will further exasperate the Anti-British National- " There is every reason for believing that Ministers are preparing a very popular defence of their policy. 1 know not how far the matter has proceeded, or if it be sufficiently advanced for use ; but I can assure you that some pro- gress has been made towards effecting a commercial treaty between France and England."

The Globe tonight confirms this statement ; adding, that the renewed negotiations have made considerable progress, and that they have been intrusted to Mr. Henry Bulwer, the First Secretary of Legation in Paris ; who was the joint Commissioner with Mr. Porter, of the Beard of Trade, in the former negotiations.

The Standard gives the following conjectural sketch of the King's Speech, that is to be, at the opening of the Chambers on Monday-

" There will be a passage mentioning the close of the protocol of December 1841, but not a word about the treaties of 1831 and 1833. Spain will be men- tioned in general terms, and the good understanding upon the affairs of that country admitted. There will be congratulary paragraphs upon the seizure of the Marquesas, upon Algiers, and upon the progressive state of the revenue. The arbitrage accepted by the King of Prussia upon the Portendic despatch will be announced. The most important paragraphs will be those containing the project for the abolition of home-made sugar, with an indemnity to the growers, and a treaty with Brazil on the result of M. de LangsdorPs mission." The journals discuss as serious the report that M. Guizot will de- mand of the Chamber 120,0001., to be added to the budget of Marine, in order to equalize the number of French cruisers off the coast of Africa with the number of English. On this the Morning Chronicle observes-- "All we can say on this point is, that if French cruisers and their com- manders on the African coast act as they have hitherto done, it is not the lent consequence or difference whether they have five cruisers or fire hundred. They will not interfere with the slave-trade."

The papers announce that the Marquesas Islands are to be garrisoned forthwith— "The harbour of Brest," says the Commerce "is to furnish the personnel and materiel necessary for the establishment about to be founded in the Marquesas Islands. According to a despatch of the Minister of Marine, the garrison of those islands is to consist of a battalion of Marines, a company of Artillery, and a detachment of Engineers. There are already in the Marquesas, two companies of the Third Regiment of Marines, twenty-one cannoneers, and a few engineers. The battalion about to be sent out will be commanded by M. de Brea. M. de Sar is to fill the functions of Director of the Engineering and Ordnance Departments, and to have under his orders Captains Gautreau and Lebail. Instruments of husbandry, to be chosen by the Maritime Prefect, a supply of articles of clothing and equipment for at least eighteen months, and a hundred iron bedsteads for the use of the sick of the colony, are to be em- barked in the course of January."

The Morning Post, however, has a report which • promises that the first duty of the new Colonial authorities and their forces will be one of retribution- " It has been currently reported in circles which have been considered re- markable for the accuracy of their information, that despatches from the Mar- quesas Islands bad been received by the French Government, containing news of very serious import. These despatches are said to contain an account of the murder of the officer who was left in command of the island by Admiral Dn- petit-Thouars ; and it is moreover believed that the natives had risen upon the men who were left with the unfortunate officer, and that all the French in the island had fallen before the scalping-knives and tomahawks of the relentless savages. The same account also states that an English ship of war had just arrived off the group of the Marquesas." It is a pleasant item in the current gossip of Paris, that Louis Philippe is in " admirable health : " " Every person," says the Univers, " who was present at the reception in the Tuileries on the 1st instant, re- marked that the King never appeared in more robust health." Eng- lish letters tell the same story.