7 JANUARY 1860, Page 19


A concert took place at St. James's Hall on Monday, announced in the name of Mr. Brindley Richards, but really given by that spirited entrepreneur Mr. Willert Beale, in connexion with an extensive musical tour in the provinces, undertaken by him and now begun. The vocal and instrumental party engaged by him included Miss Victoire Balfe (her father being also engaged as the aonductor), Madame Fiorentini, Herr Reichardt, the favourite tenor, Signor Sivori, the Paganini of the violin, and Signor Bottesini, the incomparable performer on the double bass. But at the eleventh hour Mr. Beale was disappointed by the non-appearance of Mr. Balfe and his daughter, who, having gone to St. Petersburg, failed to return either for the concert or the tour, in breach (as Mr. Beale states) of a regular engagement entered into several months ago. This is a serious charge, and Mr. Balfe is bound to justify himself, if he can, by accounting sufficiently for his absence. The London Glee and Madrigal Union, to whose admirable perform- ances we have repeatedly given honour due, are singing daily at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, under an engagement with Mr. Mitchell of Bond Street. Mr. Thomas Oliphant continues to act as their "literary illustrator," enriching their glees and madrigals by his lively and in- teresting anecdotes and observations. These performances are more successful than ever, and are daily attracting crowded and fashionable audiences.