7 JANUARY 1860, Page 3


Mr. William Vernon Harcourt, the rejected of Kirkcaldy, met his supporters there on Wednesday, and delivered a speech on current politics. He expressed the greatest mistrust of the French Emperor, and denounced Mr. Bright's preposterous scheme of taxation as dan- gerous and deceptive, because it would tax no property embarked in trade, and in taxing what is called realized property, it would tax savings alone, and relieve large incomes at the expense of small pro- perties.

The North British Daily Mail reports a remarkable case of death by chloroform on Sunday. Dr. Renwick, a young physician in his twenty- seventh year, was suffering from the nail of his great toe having grown into the flesh; and on Saturday afternoon he had spoken to one of his professional brethren, Dr. Duncanson, to come on the forenoon of the following day and cut away the nail. Dr. Duncanson attended, and found his friend in ex- cellent spirits, and resolved to take chloroform, to which course he made as objection, having administered it to him on a previous occasion without any bad results. A little of the chloroform was poured upon a towel, and he held it to his mouth with his own hands. After a while as it did not seem to be taking any eflect, he asked for some more, which' Dr. Duncanson at first declined to give ; but after a while, finding that no effect was being Kritneed, some more was applied. Observing that he was endeavouring to its effect by strained inspirations, he was asked to breath naturally, which he did. As it still, however, seemed to be having no effect, another small quantity, at his own request, was applied to the towel, which after a short tame produced insensibility, and his pulse being found full and regular the operation, which did not otteopy more than a minute or two, was succeed- fully performed. He still remained under the influence of the aniesUietic, but his breathing was regular, and all was considered right. Some cold water was then thrown on his &tie to arouse him ; but this not having the desired effect other measures were resorted to, but with a like unfortunate result; and when, after a few minutes, his breathing became less frequent and more laboured and the appearance of his countenance began to change, and hia pulse had iecome nearly imperceptible !serious alarm was felt. Ar- tificial respiration by the modern method was resorted to, and in this manner breathing was kept up for nearly half an hour, but Dr. Renwick was a corpse-