7 JANUARY 1860, Page 8


I. The following is an Abstract of the gross Produce of the Revenue of the United Kingdom, in the undermentioned periods, ended December 31, 1869, compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.

II. Increase and Decrease in the Quarter and Nine Months ended December 31, 1869, as compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.

QUARTER ENDED Dec. 31, 1859. NINE MONTHS ENDED Dec. 31, 1839.

Increase. Decrease. Increase. Decrease.

Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous E £ E E 15,813 - 706,636 - 356,000 - 1,139,000 _ - 11,000 - 28,788 41,000 - 69,000 - 391,000 _ 606,481 - 30,000 25,000 500 - 2,039 - - 683,141 - 713,220

Totals 804,313 724,141 ......1,911,675 1,348,489

£80,172 £593,186 .

Net Increase. Net Increase.

Increase and Decrease in the Year ended December 31, 1859, as compared with the preceding year.

grfra. An Account showing the Revenue and other Receipts • of the Quar- ter ended December 31, 18.59 ; the Application, of the same, and the e of the Consolidated Fund for the said Quarter, together with the p us or Deficiency upon such Charge. Surplus Balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated Fund, for the Quarter

ended September 30, 1859, yin.- Great Britain Ireland £199,592 --- 199,532 Income received in the Quarter ended December 31,1839, as shown in Account I. 17,112,830 Amount received in the Quarter ended December 31,1059, in repayment of Ad- vances for Public Works, &c 683,854 17,995,776 Balance, being the Deficiency on December 31, 1859, upon the charge of the Con- eolidated Fund in Great Britain, to meet the Dividends and other Charges payable in the Quarter to March 31, 1860, and for which Exchequer Bills (Deficiency) will be issued in that Quarter 2,971,301 £20,967,277 Amount applied out of the income for the Quarter ended December 31, 1833, In redemption of Exchequer Bills (Deficiency) for the Quarterended September 30,1839, viz £2,901,974 Amount applied out of the Income to Supply Services, in the Quarter ended December 31, 1839 Charge of the Consolidated Fund for the Quarter- ended December 31,1829, viz.- Interest of the Permanent Debt f6,324,250 Terminable Debt 949,883 Interest of Exchequer Bilis (Deficiency) 487 The Civil List 101,171 Other Charges on Consolidated Fund 414,922 Advances for Public Works, &c 322,395

Surplus Balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated Fund, for the Quarter ended December 31, 1839, VIZ.-

Great Britain Ireland £720,391 --- 720,591 £20,967,277 Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-slice Crown Lands Miscellaneous Totals.

Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Totals QUARTERS ENDED 31st March 301.1, June 30th Sept. 31st Dec.

1859. 1859. 1859. 1859.

E £ E E 5,914,295 8,108,418 6,576,866 6,225,000 3,187,000 4,945,000 5,549,000 5,360,000 2,061,399 1,960,582 1,937,000 2,018,000 312,000 1,349,000 146,000 1,424,000 2,483,000 782,106 1,874,000 938,000 830,000 785,000 780,000 830,000 72,600 ; 64,500 61,979 83,000

540,313 i 4117,65o 339,931 234,830 12,200,807 16,492,256 17,264,776 17,112,830 QUARTERS ENDED

list March 30th June 1858. 1858. 30th Sept.

1858. 31st Dec.


5,888,352 3,251,000


308,033 3,390,601 705,000 70,000 345,360 5,879,039 4,626,000 2,084,370 1,326,000 1,199,587 765,000 64,000 335,970 6,115,422 5,083,000 1,831,000 141,000 2,434,000 745,000 60,940 531,690 6,209,187 5,004,000 2,029,000 1,383,000 547,000 860,000 82,560 917,971

16,010,319 I 16,279,966 16,964,052

17,032,658 Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Totals 'Sear ended Year ended ;31st Dec. 3186 Dee.

1859. 185$.

--- - - £ 24,824,579 24,092,030 19,041,000 17,966,000 7,976,981 7,996,343 3,231,e00 3,158,033 6,077,106 7,591,188 3,225,000 3,075,000 282,079 277,440 1,412,724 2,130,991 66,070,469 66,266,995 732,279 1,075,000 72,967 150,000 4,639 • Totals 2,035,183 4216,526 Net Decrease. YEAR ENDED Dec. 31, 1839.

Increase. Decrease.

Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous 19,362 1,514,082 718,267 2,251,711 9,171,604 8,113,108