7 JANUARY 1888, Page 14

Nothing definite has transpired as to the precise condition of

the German Crown Prince. The telegrams are fairly favourable ; and the British Medical Journal reports, on good authority, that ground now exists for hoping that the Prince's disease is not cancer, but a severe form of chronic laryngitis. The Emperor of Germany, however, must know the exact truth ; and this is his reply, on January 1st, to an addresa from the Town Council of Berlin :—" Great is my pain at the visitation which has already, for such a long time, kept the Crown Prince from the fall execution of his official duties and from his home. The Emperor trusts with the whole nation, which has conveyed to the Crown Prince the expression of ita sympathy and affection with a unanimity so rarely witnessed, that God in his wisdom will order all things for the best." There is little to reassure in that last sentence, which implies resigna- tion, not confident hope.