7 JANUARY 1911, Page 11

The bronze memorial statue of Wolfe, executed by Mr. Derwent

Wood, A..R.A., and erected by public subscrip- tion in Wolfe's native village of Westerham, was unveiled on Monday, the anniversary of his birth, by Lord Roberts. At the close of the dedicatory service conducted by the Bishop of Chichester, Lord Roberts delivered a brief address. Speaking of the Empire's interdependence, he said that we could not now dispense with the help of our great oversca dominions any more than they could do without our help. It was to Wolfe that they were indebted for the greatest of those dominions, and the people of Westerbam had every reason to be proud of their connexion with that great man. Lord Roberts spoke of the absorbing interest of the Quebec campaign both from the military, the naval, and the personal points of view. Wolfe was a consummate com- mander who was justified in making daring experiments by his belief in the courage and discipline of his troops. In reply to the toast of his health, proposed at luncheon by Lord Strathcona, Lord Roberts said that no man in the past or in the present had so inspired him as had Wolfe.