7 JANUARY 1955, Page 17

THE JAMAICAN FLOOD The arrival in this country of many

people without jobs or homes, and of a low standard of living,' could hardly go unchecked if it reached massive proportions. This would be true whether the immigrants were white or black. Nobody doubts that Jamaicans are as hard working and law abiding as the rest of us, but their arrival in certain districts of London and elsewhere has created a situation which the local authorities cannot handle. In Lambeth and Brixton they are living thirty and forty to a house. Some kind of restriction (if necessary a quota system) should be placed on immigration from the colonies into the United Kingdom. And powers should be given to the Home Office to repatriate colonial subjects convicted of the more serious categories of crime. Australia and New Zealand, after all, place certain restrictions on immigration by British subjects. There is no indignity in such restrictions and there is much common sense.