7 JANUARY 1995, Page 26

No such taunts

Sir: I refer to the letter of the German Embassy's Mr Wolfgang Trautwein (Let- ters, 17/24 December) concerning the arti- cle, 'Is this what we mean by European Union?' (3 December). Mr Trautwein defends his country's sanctioning of the abduction of two children of an English mother and a German father by saying that the children were tired of frequently being victims of taunts such as 'Nazi' at their school in London.

I happen to be the father of one of the children's best friends (the eldest), who often came to our home. I checked with my son and there has never been any Nazi taunting at their school, which happens to be the Lycee Francais.

If Mr Trautwein wants to defend his country's legal system, which in the circum- stances has behaved weirdly to say the least; he should not use blatant falsehoods which play on the cheap emotional issue of Nazi taunting.

He might be drawn into dangerous terri- tory as the way these children have been snatched away from their mother bears a frighteningly close resemblance to what happened in his country not so long ago.

Philippe Francois

33 Campana Road, London SW6