7 JULY 1838, Page 10



The books of the various Stocks, the Dividends upon which have just become due, are now open for private transfer ; and money transactions have oc- curred in all of them. The following are the prices, ex dividend—Consuls, 931 1; New Three-and-a-half per Cents., 1011 a ; India Stuck, 265i '266. There has been, however, very little business transacted ; and the market has not experienced any fluctuation. Exchequer Bills are in demand, and have been done at 74 prem. ; while India Bonds are quoted 75 to 77 prem. In the Foreign Mai ket, there has been some littlestir in Dutch Securities,— occasioned by aggressions in the neighbourhood of Venloo; but though the price was quoted lower, no business was done at the reduced rates, and it has since recovered ; the quotation to-day being 53a 541/ ex dividend, which is equal to our last week's price of 336 J. Messrs. ROTHSCDII.D have contracted a loan with the Belgian Government for 2,000,000/., in a Three per Cent. Stock ; which will be issued by the con- tractors at 736. The first instalment of 10 per cent. will become due on the 10th, and the remainder as follows- 10 per Cent. on 1st August, 10 1st September, 15 1st October.

15 lot November, 136..., lot December. The interest is to commence from the 1st of August next ; and discount at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum will be allowed upon any of the instalments that may be paid in advance. The price is considered high, in the present absence of any disposition for speculation : the monied interest have not evinced their usual eagerness to participate in the financial enterprises of the eminent contractors for this logo. The letters of apportionment were delivered this morning, and the Scrip is at A .prem. I The Spanish Stock Market has improved slowly, but steadily ; and Active

Stock is to-day at 22t1 the highest price of the week. It is anticipated that from the military successes of the Queen's army, and the firmness of the mar- kets for this stuck in Holland and Paris, increased currency will be given to it. The Deferred Bonds are 9 to A, and the Passive .5. Portuguese Bonds have continued steady, with little doing. Brazilian Bonds are also firmer ; favour- able intelligence of a commercial financial nature having been received from Rio to the 20th May, when all was tranquil, and the exchange and local stock improving.

The other South American Securities may be quoted as heavy at previous prices. Mexican rather firmer.

The business in the Railway Share Market has been almost entirely confined to the Shares of the Great Western ; which at one period were Si. lower than on Saturday, viz. 81. premium, some large sales of Shares having occurred : but from that point an improvement commenced, and the price has reached the point from which it began to decline; the quotation to-day being 141. to 161. premium. There has been a demand for Croydon Shares, and the market is firm at a slight advance. The St. John Del Rey (Mining) Shares are also higher, and are quoted to-day at 61.


Consols are rather firmer this morning, the price for Account being 93/1, buyers. Exchequer Bills are 72 to 74 prem., and small bills have been done at 75 prem. India Bonds are 76 to 78 prem. In the Foreign Market, Portu- guese Bonds are firmer, the Five per Cents. being 36 to i, and the Three per Cents. 24 to A. Spanish Bonds are heavier, the Active Stock being 22A to 4, Passive 41, 5, Deferred 9 to 9i. Very little has been done in the new Belgian loan, and the Scrip may be quoted about A prem. The Railway Shares are without variation—London and Birmingham 84 prem. ; Southampton 42 to 43 per share ; Brighton par to A prem. ; Croydon 16A a ; New Ditto 2A 4 prem.

3 per Cent .Cottsols 931 1 Brazilian 5 per Cents 80 1 Ditto for Account . 951 Danish 741 54

3 per Cent. Reduced 941 Dutch 21 per Cents 531 41 New 34 per Cent. Anus.... ex.d. lulu 1 Portuguese Regency 5 p.Cts 364 Bank Stuck 2054 4 Ditto 3 per Cent. 244

India stock 2654 6 Russian (1822)5 per Cent ... 1124 13

Ditto Bonds 76 78pm. Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 24 I

Exchequer Bills 72 71pm. Deferred Stock 9 94

Belgiau 5 per Cents 1021 f Passive Ditto 41 51