7 JULY 1838, Page 2

The Revenue tables, for the year and quarter ending the

5th instant, exhibit, on the year, a decline of receipts amounting to 1,102,627/., and on the quarter an increase of 364,382/. The chief increase is in the Customs, which have yielded 339,015/. more during the last quarter than in the corresponding period of 1837. But the Excise continues to decline. In that department of re- venue, the decrease on the year is 724,504/., and the quarter 226,4521. The great efforts made by the Americans to pay their debts in this country, probably occasioned the augmentation in the Customs. We hope that the decrease in the Excise may be partially accounted for by the savings of the people, and that it is not altogether owing to an inability to purchase exciseable articles.