7 JULY 1849, Page 7

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THE Queen visited the Dutchess of Kent, at Clarence House, on Satur- day; and received a visit at Buckingham Palace, from the Queen of the Bel- gians and the Dutchess of Orleans, with the young Count de Paris and Duke de Chartres.

On Monday, before her Majesty's departure for the Isle of Wight, the Dutchess of Kent paid a farewell visit. The Queen, Prince Albert, and their family, left the Palace at ten minutes after two in the afternoon, reached Gosport about twenty minutes before five, crossed the water, and arrived at Osborne by a quarter before six.

The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, and the Hereditary Grand Datchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz visited the Queen Dowager, at Bushy Park, on Wednesday. On Monday, the Duke and Dutchess, accompanied by their royal guest, dined with the Dutchess of Inverness, on Thurs- day with the Marquis and Marchioness of Westminster; and on Friday with Lord Chief Justice and Lady Wilde. On Tuesday evening, the Dutchess and the Hereditary Grand Dutchess honoured Lady Marian Alford with their company.

The Dutchees of Gloucester visited the Dutchess of Kent on Tuesday; and the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge on Thursday.