7 JULY 1855, Page 11


&rocs EXCINANOZ, FRIDAY ATM:MOON. The new French Loan of 30,000,0001. has been officially announced, and continues to operate unfavourably on Government Securities, owing to doubts respecting the period and mode of raising it; and sales are effected whenever the demands of the public create a temporary advance. The range of prices has exceeded last week's by about per cent; in other respects there has been a close resemblance. Consols have fluctuated from 901 to 911, and closed yesterday at 911 1. Today they leave off the same, after being 1 higher. Exchequer Bills have advanced 28. Omnium has been done at 4-1 5 premium; it is now a little lower. New Terminable Annuities have been steady at 16 15-16; and large investments have been recently made in them on account of the Patriotic Fund: at the present price they pay about 2 per cent. At a meeting of proprietors of the South Sea Company, on Wednesday, a dividend was declared of 11 per cent for the half-year, and the balance was stated to be 28,1061. 6s. 4d. The distribution of the assets commenced yesterday, and the proprietors were paid 115/. per 1001. Stock. The remainder will be divided within six months, and it is expected that the Company will be finally wound up in January. This liquidation, combined with the proceeds of 400,0001. Five per Cent Bonds of twenty years' standing, now in course of payment by the Canadian Government, increases the ease of the money-market. In Paris there is a considerable increase in the de- mand for money, and a decline in the rate of exchange, which has not been so low for some time past. Gold may now be transmitted with a slight profit, and several parcels have been sent within the last few days. The French Funds show on the average a slight improvement this week. Sug- gestions having been made to the Bank of England, supported by several of their influential proprietors, to establish a branch at the West-end of Lon- don, it is understood the Directors have determined on opening one as soon as they have procured suitable premises. An application numerously signed by influential capitalists has been ad- dressed to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, with the view of obtaining a cent discount of 2 per for the holders of the New Loan upon the payment of calls in advance. The average amount of bullion in both departments of the Bank of England, for the month ending the 9th of June, was 17,316,4141. ; an increase of 1,761,5821. compared with the preceding month, and an in- crease of 4,633,1591. in comparison with the same time teat year. The gold and specie arrivals this week have been 268,9361. from Australia? 162,0001. from America, and 69901. by the Peninsular and Oriental steamer Tagus. The Sultan took out a large amount for India and Alexandria, namely, 648,963/. -Foreign Securities have been steady, and the amount of businessrather limited: in some instances an improvement has occurred, including Russian Four-and-s-half per Cents and Peruvian, which are 1, and Austrian 4 better. Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents are 1 lower. Turkish has varied very little. On Monday the usual notarial protest was made by Mr. Thornton, the Chairman of the Committee of Portuguese Bondholders, against the con- tinued dishonesty of that Government in confiscating 40 per cent of the divi- dends in course of payment.

Railways present very little difference compared with last Saturday. A slight tendency to depression, apparent at the commencement of the week, has been succeeded by a recovery. London and North-Western are now 101 4, Great Western 67 1, Midland 72/ 3, Lancashire and Yorkshire 811 2. French Shares are from 10.. to 11. better, except Rouen and Havre, which have fallen 10s.


The English Funds are dull this morning, and have declined k,• Consols for both Money and Account are 914. Exchequer Bills 22 6. There is a decrease this week in the bullion return by the Bank of England, amounting to 150,4511. The dividends will be paid on Monday next on Consols and other Stocks lately shut. In Foreign Stocks there is no movement. Turkish is steady at 811 24. Railways are a little lower—Caledonian, 621; Great Western, 671; London and North-Western, 101; Midland, 724; North- Eastern—Berwick, 741.

The English Funds have been heavy since the morning, and close at a further depression of 1. Consols for Money and Account are 901 4. Ex- chequer Bills' 22 6. Omnium has been done at 41 premium, Annuities April 1885 161516, and Exchequer Bonds at 1001 1. In Foreign Stocks no change has taken place. Turkish has been dealt in at 812 2; Buenos Ayres, 56; Equador, 31; Spanish Passive 4. Railways are further depressed, and sales have preponderated, owing to the weakness in Consols—Ambergate, Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 41; Caledonian, 621; Eastern Counties, 14; Great Western, 671; Lan- cashire and Yorkshire, 81 ; London and North-Western, 1001; London and South-Western, 83; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 241; Midland, 711; North British, 301 ; North-Eastern—Berwick, 744; Ditto York, 504; North Staffordshire, 121 ; Vale of Noah, 20; Clydes- dale Junction 100; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 1181; East Indian Extension, 14'; Great Western of Canada, 214; Paris and Lyons, 491; Sambre and Meuse, 91; Scinde, 21 prem. Mine—Brazilian Imperial St. John del Rey, 29. Joint Stock Banks—london Joint Stock, 30; Oriental Bank Corporation, 381; Union of Australia, 741; Union of London, 301. Miscellaneous—Crystal Palace, 34; Royal Mail Steam, 741; Scottish Aus- SATURDAY, Ova O'CLOCK .

tralasian Investment, New, 1.

3 per Vent Consols 90 1 Dtto for Account 90 Spec Cent Reduced 911 2 New 3 per Cents Bank Stock 921 1 31 4 Long Annuities 211 13 Exchequer Bills 2296 India Stock 230 4 Austrian 5 per Cents 83 Sex d. Brazilian 5 percents 100 2 Belgian 4/ per Cents 93 5 Chilian 6 per Cents 102 4 Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents 81 4 62 4 rid.

Ditto 4 per cents


Mexican 3 per Cents

Peruvian 4 per Cents 214 1 69 71 Ditto 8 per Cents 49 51 Portuguese 4 per Cents .... 42 4 ex d.

Russian 5 per Cents 98 100 Ditto 44 per Cents 88 90 ex d.

Spanish 3 per Cents 361 7/ ex d.

Ditto Deferred. 8/ ex C.

Sardinian 5 per Cents-

85 7 Swedish 4 per Centa 87 90