7 JULY 1855, Page 20


• Teiesday, Ads, 3.. .

PAETNERSHIPS DISSOIXED.-Vickers and Co. Stoney Street, Borough Market, dis- tillers; as far as regards E. Vickers-- Baron and Grey, Liverpool, brokers -Worrell and Whittaker, Manchester, coach-Proprietors-W. and T. Through, Woodend, Lan- cashire, druggistsLassey and Foster, Clayton, Yorkshire, coal-proprietors-Ed- mundson and CO. and Seville and Co. Manchester, manufacturers-Beane and Nicks, Gloucester, timber-merchants-Llewellyn and Well, • Old Bond Street, woollen-warehousemen-Foster and Co. City, stock-brokers; as far as regards J. Foster-Hope and Cooper. Manchester, commission-agents-J. and E. Grey,Liver- pool, brokers-Beech and Brock, Burslem, china-manufacturers-Roberto and Son. Cleckheaton, card-makers -Ansdell and Haddock, St. lichen's, attorniee-S. and D. Nelson, Manchester, shuttle-makers-Webster and Son, Penns, Warwickshire, steel-manufacturers-Parker and Veasey, Woburn, surgeons-Fauntleroy and Sons. Potter's Fields, Southwark, ivory-merchants; as far as regards C. Fauntleroy-Fox and Besford, Manchester, smiths-E. and It. S. Bone, Pm.kham, bleachere-Aspell and Fildes, Dfanthester, distillers-Thqrnely and Winchester, Liverpool, tailors- Wallis and Dryden. Mayfield, Sussex, surgeons-Cowie and Co. Liverpool, ship- owners-Stretton and Son, Nottingham, builders-Stunt and Newby, Regent .Street, boot-makers-Taunton and Bush, Austinfriars, stock-brokers - Binnington and Leggott, New North Road, victuallent-Outhwaite and Wilcock, Manchester, cur- riers - Lowndes and Co. Liverpool, attornies ; as far as regards J. Robinson-H. and H. Gold, Hibernia•Whart St. Saviour's, tea-dealers-Cox and Co. Nottingham, ho- siers; as far as regards A. Cox-T. and J. Brown, Manliest, Cumberland, cabinet- makers-Holdsworth and Co. Leeds, flax-spinners ; as far as regards J. C. Barrett-.

Cox and Cartledge, Raeford, Nottinghamshire, bleachers -Melville and Edmonds, Liverpool, coopers-Morgan and Tibbetts, Cheltenham, linen-drapers-Walton and Co. Oldham, cotton-spinners-Atkinson and Co. Baena, Lancashire. brewers-Lister and Harper, Birmingham, coal-dealers-Hallett and Ashdown, Brighton, corn-mer- chants-Ardron and Son, Sheffield. horn-pressers-Wheeler and Kidd. Wokingharn, Berkshire, surgeons-Bickford and Patten, Lamb'e Conduit Street, milliners- Beaumont and Bellamy, Birmingham, wire-workers-Howell and Hale, Water Lane, Tower Street.

BANKRUPTCIES ANNULLED.-JANEs VEanx, Leicester Street, Regent Street, boot- maker-Waimea WILDE, Liverpool, corn-broker. BANKRUPTS.-WILLIAss LtrrLE, Deptford, builder, to surrender July 9, Aug. 15: solicitor. Carttar ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Geoaos BICELEY, Lower Kennington Green, money-scrivener, July 9, Aug. 15: solicitor, Chidley, Gresham Street ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Joux Duxes, Talbot Court, Eastcheap, victualler, July 14, Aug. 11: solicitors, Young and Flews, Mark Lane • official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury -JACOB FRANKENSTF-IN, White Hart Court, Bishopsgate Street Within, tobacconist, July 11, Aug. 14: solicitor, Bailey, Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- CILARLLs AVERY, Jewry Street, colonial-broker, July 11. Aug. 14: solicitor, Hewitt, Nicholas Lane ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Auxins EDWARD Tnowsz, Leather Lane, Holborn, coach-smith, July 10, Aug. 13: solicitor, Murrough, New Inn; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Taosus BAKER, Kidderminster, butcher, July 13, Aug. 10: solicitors, Boycot, Kiddermin- ster; Motteram and Knight, Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Birming- ham-Joax WALLILY, Derby, boiler-maker, July 17, Aug. 7: solicitors, Pickering, Derby: Reece, Birmingham ; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham-WILLIAM BEN- Nerr, Portishead, Somersetshire, carpenter, July 16, Aug. 13: solicitors, Heavens, and Brittain and Son, Bristol ; official assignee, Acraunan, Bristol-Jos/Arius; CRUSE, Stapleton, Gloucestershire, victualler, July 16, Aug. 30: solicitors, Bevan and Girling, Bristol; official assignee, Miller, Bristol-Jamie; TAPPER EVERY, Devonport, cabinet-maker, July 0, Aug. 6: solicitors, Gidley jun. Plymouth; Stog- don, Exeter; official assignee, Ilirtzel, Exeter-Witham Joax MAcx.sasrs., Clay Cross, surgeon, July 21, Aug. 11: solicitor, Clayton, Chesterfield; official assignee, Brewin. Sheffield-Gkoaoe BA,TEMAN, Liverpool, victualler, July 17, Aug. 13: soli- citors, Francis and Almond, Liverpool; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool. DIVIDEND6.-July 27, Stapp, Snow Hill, cheesemonger-July 30, C. and F. Peer- retie, Birmingham, hardware-dealers-July 26, Weston, Dudley, hosier-July 26, Dawes, Wolverhampton, victualler-July 27, Bonnie, Liverpool, cotton-broker. . CERTIFICATES.- To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, OD the day of meeting.-July 24, Jarmau, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park. boarding-house-keeper -July 24, Neal, Wandsworth Common, carman-July 27, J. and C. Carter, Clifton, Bristol, brewers-July 25. Walsh, Liverpool, corn-merchant-July 26, Williams, St. Asaph, joiner-July 26, Hewitt, Orruskirk, Lancashire, grocer -July 25, Rich, Leigh, Lancashire, joiner-July 26, Stagg, Manchester, manufacturing-chemist- July 25, J. and B. Wilson, Manchester, tailors-Aug. 9, Morris, Bilston, draper- July 23, Barber, Kidderminster, victualler. ' 'DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDR.-Dodsworth, Tumham Green, surgeon; first div„ of 8d. July 5, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfield, Basingliall Street- Pledge, Croydon, grocer; first dry. of 64. July 5, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Bashighall Street-Harris, Shrewsbury, draper ; first div. of 7s. 8d. any Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham. Scorch SERUESTRATIONS.-Grant, Banff, eolicitor, July 16-Simpson, Tiewfield, Inverness, farmer, July 13.

Friday, July 6. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Whittles and Co. Sheffield, manufacturers of files-' Brogden and Sone, Toad% Glainorganshire„ ironmasters ; as far as regards Sir R. Pries, Bart.-H. and G. Charles, Fleet Street, tailurs-Wahly and Cook, Hull, seed- crushera-Passavant and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, commission-agents- Zox and Jones, Long Acre, cap-manufacturers-Pidduck mut Co. Manchester, commission- agents-Ogan and Goddard, Turnwheel Lane, Cannon Street, accountants--Perkins and Co. Liverpool-Bernard and Owen, Rood Lane, wine-merchants-Abrahams and Co. Leadenball Street, merchants-Friend and Boden, Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, sugar-refiners-Evershed and Corney, Littlehampton, Sussex, timber-merchants- John and Habakkuk, Blaendare, Pontypool, 3.1 onmouthshire, coahmerchants- Sparshott and Co. Exeter, chemists-Griffith and Co. Liverpool. brokers ; as far as regards W. J. Griffith-Bibra and Allcock, Upper St. Martin's Lane, cigar-dealers -Gould and Co. Manchester, leather-factors-Parkinson and Hickson, Accrington, Lancashire, brick-makers-Ferrier and Heck, Portman Street. fishmongers-Easton and Bridge, partners of Jones's patent regulator-Heape and Grice, London and Mel- bourne-The Barrington Carrying Company, Liverpool and Manchester-Worley and Co. Great St. Helen's, ship-agents -A. Land E. Pertwee, Chelmsford, chemists -Salisbury and Co. Liverpool, brokers-Traquair and Morgags,Bankside, coal-mer- chants -Eccles and Co. Liverpool, turpentine-distillers-Hale and Co. Dewsbury, merchants-Silver and Co. Biehopsgate Street Within, outfitters ; as far as regards G. Hayter-Browne and Co. Holland Street, Blackfriars, patent-wool-manufactur- ers, and Browne and Norton, manufacturers of patent indicators; as far as regards J. H. Browne -Horsley and Appleton, Leeds. silk-mercers-Nicholas and Co. Liverpool, brokers; as far as regards J. and H. Cox-Southgate and Potter, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, builders-Pavy and Co. Swindon, corn-merchants- Glen and Lawlson, Selkirk, drapers. BANnateTcy ANNITLISM.-Rountr Gssonos ROSE, Cowley Terrace, Brixton, draper. BANKRUPTS.-JOHN MITCHELL, Great Bourton, Osfordshire, railway-contractor, to surrender July 13, Aug. 17: solicitor, Paterson and Longman, Old Broad Street; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Taostas Pause, Green Lanes, High- bury Park, carpenter, July 14, Aug. 17: solicitor, Brown, Finsbury Place ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Gannon NEWSY, Birmingham. grocer, July 16, Aug. 8: solicitor, Southall, Birmingham; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham- Thomas PRICE SMITH, Birmingham, factor, July 20, August 17: solicitor, Southall, Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham - Rose= Trwrzn, gas-lamp-manufacturer. July 20, August 16: Solicitors, Hot- ter= and Knight, Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston Birmingham- HENRY WILLIAMSON, Leeds, cloth-merchant, July 20, Aug. 9: solicitor, Blackburn, Leeds; official assignee, Young, Leeds -JONATHAN MUROATROTD, Keighley, York- shire, worsted-spinner, July 20, Aug. 17: solicitors, Weatherhead and Burr, Keighley; Bond and Barwick, Leeds; official assignee, Young, Leeds-ROMIRT REED, Middles- borough, Yorkshire, grocer, July 23, Aug. 13: solicitors, Hodge and Hark, New- castle-upon-Tyne; Preston, Leeds; official assignee, Hope, Leeds-Bonn BESET Ross, Liverpool, draper, July 18, Aug 15: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester ; Greatley, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool-Josnen Giumallaw, Bolton-le-Moors, victualler, July 17, Aug. 7: solicitor, Ferns, Stockport; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-Joins Maxtrr, Manchester, machine-maker, July 25, Aug. 8: solicitors, Chew and Son, Manchester; official assignee, Hernaman. Manchester.

DIVIDENDS.-July 28, King, North Audley Street, Grosvenor Square, coach-builder -July 28, Rossiter, London Wall, clothier-July 30, Roberts, Liverpool, tailor- July 30, Wadsworth, Macclesfield, silk-dealer-July 27, J. and W. Carver, Halifax, machine-makers-July 27, Hammond, Ripon, builder-July 81, Browett, Bradford, Yorkshire, inn-keeper-July 31, Foster, Goole, Yorkshire, ironmonger-July 31, Smith and Holmes Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-manufacturers-July 31, Jackson, Goole, Yorkshire, joiner. CERTIFICATES.- lb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-July 30, Grant, Cambridge, bookseller-July 28, Adams, Uxbridge, meal- man-July 27, Lands, High Street, Camden Town, boot-vendor-July 28, Orgies, Kingsland Road, victualler-July SO, Speller, Wapping High Street, sail-maker - July 30, Wilson, Princess Street, Hanover Square, tailor-July 28, Putman, Strand, glass-dealer-July 27, Sephton, Prescot, Lancashire. victualler-Aug. 9, Thomas, Walsall, Staffordshire, saddler-Aug. 9, Bennett, West Bromwich, brewer-An. 9, A. and F. Cheadle, Stone, Staffordshire, drapers-July 27, J. and W. Carver, Hali- fax' machine-makers-July 27, Newell, Bradford, 'Yorkshire, linen-draper-July 27, Ohlfield and Co. Huddersfield, woollen-cloth-merchanta-July 28, Watson, Shef- field, brewer-July 28, Bradbury, Sheffield, joiner-July 28, Jenkinson, Sheffield, Paper-manufacturer, DECLARATIONS OF DIvIDENDS.-Oakley, Poole, corn-merchant; flrstdiv. of ls. 10d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-J. and A. Atkinson, Huntingdon; first div. of 2s. 3d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Jarrett, Wickham, Berk- shire, builder; second div. of 6d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Cox, Southampton purser; first div. of 2s. 9d. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Cham- bers-Ireland% Brighton, cabinet-maker; first div. of 5d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Adamson. Bond Court, Walbrook, dealer; fifth div. of 9d. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Haselden, Wigniore Street, bookseller ; first div. of 3s. any Monday; Cannan, Aldermanbury-Nutt, Stratford Green, dealer; second div. of 81d. any Monday; Canaan, Aldermanhury-Johnson, Maeclesfield, silk-dyer; first div. of 23. 9d. any Tuesday; Putt, Manchester-Worrall, Bolton, manufacturer ; first div. of 2*. 6d. any Tuesday ; Putt, Manchester-Holland and Warden, Preston, tallow-chandlers ; second div. of Is. Ild. any Tuesday: Putt, Manchester -Frater, Manchester, brewer ; first div. of 7s. on account of first div. of 8s. 2d. any Tuesday; Pott, Manchester. Semen Smausirraarzons.-Idorris, Dundee, treasurer of police-rate, July 16-Yuill, Springbank, Neilston, Renfrewshire, silk-printer, July 18.