7 JULY 1860, Page 1

A fact is stated in' the Viennese correspondence which has

in London an effect precisely theNinsite of that which would per- haps be anticipated. We are told tat.in private meetings the leading men iirSte newlmpenfal Gonna have detsirmiuThal to ad- vise that the pent system can. r.k buyer be =dram: ed by force of arms, and that a constitatten be greeted. It is no longer " news " that a constitution will '-)e granted ; it is well understood that "the present system canint be maintained by force of arms." The intelligente, therefore, conveying tais pecu- liar announcement is, that the Emperor still dreams of with- holding an effective constitution, and of "maaitaining the pro- 1 t11.-- 0).* or.4 " waqaavee e may link in London, in Vienna they have not yet ascertained that such an- enterprise is simply impossible. It is, indeed, an overriling cir- cumstance, that the number of leading statesmen in Amtria who distinctly and avowedly recognize the impossibility of the Im-

perial policy is daily increasing, and now they manifistly pos- sess an overruling majority amongst those who have been selected by the Emperor and his immediate connexions to assist

him in the present crisis. But it is obvious that they have not

yet truly brought over the Imperial mind to perceive the ne- cessity.

Some negotiations are still going forward, it is said openly, towards a rapprochement lietwon Austria and Prussia. Austria, storia,—yields the claim to a gua- zee of her non-German province; while Prussia amiably ad- vises reforms, and firmly declares the intention of abiding by her own construction of the Hesse-Cassel question. Many reports have been put forward respecting the sequel of the Baden con- ference; but as in the case of Austria herself, every new assur- ance only shows how completely separate are the objects enter- etaincd by the several States of Germany. As a class, the So- vereigns want to be guaranteed against any dangers from their coibjects as well as from foreign countries ; but each is hide- 'bound in a purely selfish isolation, as soon as the position and management of his own state is in question.