7 JULY 1860, Page 11



English Securities have not been dealt in to any large extent this week, the variations never exceeding A per cent. The markets generally assume a firm appearance, and Consols close 931 931, having opened on Monday 931 931. The announcement of 3,800,0001. being required for the China war caused only a momentary dulness' and the recent disasters in the leather trade, although tending to suspense, have not had the effect at present of de-

preciating values i

; this s accounted for by the improved state of the weather and the absence of any really adverse political news. Business has been very dull, but the demand for money has been active, the rates averaging 4 per cent. New Three per Cents and Reduced have each ranged between 931 931, closing firm at 931 931. India Five per Cents have been rather active, and close 1041 1041; Bank Stock, 229 231; Consols for Money, 931 931; for the Account, 93f buyers and for the opening, 931 931. The next settling will take place on Tuesday 10th, this being first " making-up " day. The Foreign Market has not shown much activity, although there has been rather more doing this week than last ; the principal operations have been in Peruvian, Spanish, and Venezuela Stocks; the two former expe- riencing a steady advance-Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 93 94; Ditto Three per Cents' 70 71' Ditto Uribarren Four-and-a-half per Cent Bonds, 81 82; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 78 79 ; Spanish has recovered the. amount of the dividend, and closes 49 50; the Deferred is quoted 40 401; Mexican is dull at 21 211; Venezuela has been very heavy, and leaves off at a considerable decline, 22 23 for the Three per Ceuta, and 11 12 for the One-and-a-half per Cents. In Turkish Six per Cents there has been a moderate business doing ; the last prices arc 78 781, and for the New, 591 60; Chilian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 82 83; Ditto Six per Cents, 102 104 ; Sardinian, 8289; Victor Emmanuel, 93 94 ; Brazil, 87 88; Buenos Ayres Stock dull at 85 87 ; and the Three per Cents, 241 251. The Market closes a shade flatter than it has been during the day. Railway Shares have shown a decided tendency to improve all the week, a rise having daily been established all round. Eastern Counties are heavy, but with very few exceptions quotations are all higher ; Midland has aa- vanced to 11/4 i; Great Western, 701 70j; London and North-Western 102; 1021; London and South-Western, 951 951; and Leeds, 105; 106; the next settling' is fixed for the 16th. Business is dull today, but the markets are strong. Caledonians, 94 94; Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee, 301 31; Great Northern, 114'116, and.the A stock, 114 116 ; South-Eastern and Dover, 851 851; London and Brighton, 1131 1141 ; North Stafford, 4 4 discount ; Chester and Holyhead, 41m:11 - North British, 631 631; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lineoln, 41411 The Traffic Returns are gene- ally of a very favourable character. Indian shares show a slight advance, but negotiations are exceedingly limited. East Indian, 1001; Great Indian Peninsula, 971 98; Madras, 96197; Bombay and B 941 95. French Railway Shares are somewhat firmer, on account of better quo- tations from Paris. Midi, 20 21; Paris and Lyons, 35 31; Northern of France, 39 39j; Paris and Strasbourj, 23; 241. In Marine Insurance Shares, a limited business has been done ; Ocean, 11 11 ; Thames and Mer- sey, 1 11; Universal, 11 11,


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 31, for the week ending on M•ednksdsy the 4th day of July 1860.


motes Issued £32,227,133 Government Debt £11,01•,100 Other Securities 3,435,903 Gold Coin and Bullion 15.752,150 Silver Bullion i30,227,150 130,227,150


Proprietors 'Capital E14,553,000 Rest 3,300,175 Public Deposita* 8,209,369 Other Deposits 13,748,126 Seven Days and other Bills 687,618 £60,498,318

• Including Exehequer,Saving-Banks,Commissioners of National Debt, and Di ACCt.

Government SecurItles(lnffiu - ding Dead WeIghtAnnuity). 49.817,883 Other Securities 21,670,17e Notes 8,265,185 Gold and Sliver Coln 711,780 410,498,318-