7 JULY 1860, Page 19


Mr. Henry Mayhew is engaged on a popular Life of Benjamin Frank- lin.

Mr. John Hollingshead is about collecting the Poems of the late Mr. Robert Brough, to be published for the benefit of his family.

A new work by Mr. Charles Reade, entitled "The Eighth Command- ment," is announced as forthcoming by Messrs. Triibner and Co.

"Medical Missionaries, or Medical Agency cooperative with Chris- tian Missions to the Heathen," by Dr. Marley, is promised by Mr. James Blackwood.

Two works of travel, "An Autumn Tour in Spain," and "Life in China," by "Chin-Chin," are preparing for publication by Messrs. Saunders, Otley, and Co. Messrs. Blackwood and Sons have in the press, "The Spanish Cam- paign in Morocco," by Mr. Frederick Hardman, special correspondent of The Times, and "Patriots and Filibusters, or Incidents of Political and Exploratory Travel," by Mr. Laurence Oliphant.

Messrs. Smith, Elder, and Co., have in the press several new works of fiction, among them a "Series of Stories in Verse," by Mrs. Sewell, and a new novel (as yet without a title), by Mrs. Gaskell

Messrs. Longman and Co. are about to publish "Précis de la Litt& nature Francsise depuis son Origine Jusqu'e, nos Jours," by M. L. aontanseau, Professor at Addiscombe.

A new work, by Count de Montalembert, entitled "Lee Moines d'Occident," is announced to appear at Paris on the 15th of this month. An " authorized " translation will soon after be published by Messrs, Blackwood and Sons.

Prince Pitzipios, a Greek nobleman, has just published, through Bourdillot and Co., Paris, "La Question, de l'Orient en 1860, ou Is Grande Crise de l'Empire Byzantin."

Messrs. Michel Levy, frerea, Paris, have brought out a new work by M. Louis Ratisbonne, entitled "Month at Vivants ; Nouvelles Im- pressions Litteraires."

" L'Economie Rurale de la France depuis 1789," by M. Lionce de Lavergne, of the Institute, has this week been published by Messrs Gillaumm and Co., Paris.

The same publishers have brought out a translation of Arthur Young's Spanish and Italian Travels, entitled "Voyages en Italic et en Espagne, en 1788 et 1789." The work is accompanied by Notes and an In- troduction by L. de Lavergne.

Two works on "Spiritualism"—"La Magic et l'Astrologie," by M. Alfred Maury ; " and "Le Livre des Esprits," by M. Allan Kardec,laave just been published by Messrs. Didier and Co., Paris.

"La Bretagne Moderne, Depuis sa Reunion a la France Jusqu'a nos Jours," by M. Pitre-Chevalier, and "Revue de Dix Ans," by M. Bordet, maitre des requetes, have been brought out by M. Dentu, Paris.

The same publisher has issued "La Femme : Refutation des Proposi- tions de M. Michelet," by M. Marie Haas—a somewhat violent attack on the celebrated professor's " L'Amour " and "La Femme."

" Memoires Complete de Garibaldi," translated by Alexandre Dumas, with a preface by Victor Hugo, and an introduction by George Sand, are announced by Messrs. Amyot and Co., Paris.

The Paris correspondent of the Indepentlance Beige speaks of a volume of "Memoires et Correspondence du roi Jerame et de la Reine Cathe- rine," which, edited by the former aide-de-camp of the Prince, is to ap- pear at Paris about the beginning of September.

A series of "Etudes stir l'Avenir de la Russie," by M. Schedo-Fer- rotti, has been published by Messrs. Brockhaus and Co., Leipzig.

An erudite work on the "History and Literature of Shorthand Writing," by Dr. Julius Zeibig, has been issued by the Royal Steno- graphic Institute of Dresden, Saxony.

The first number of a monthly " Zeitschrift filr Exacte Philosophic im Sinne des Neueren Philosopischen Realismus," edited by Professors Allihn and T. Ziller, has appeared at Berlin.

One of the most influential papers of Southern Germany, the Journal de Francfort (written in French), has been sold by its owner, Baron de Vrints, son-in-law of Count Buol, to a Parisian company, said to be under the direction of Comte de Morny.

On the principle that all important states have their French news- papers, a French daily paper on a very extensive scale has just been started in Milan.

The busy Louis de la Varenne has published at Florence a new bro- chure, the title of which is sufficiently explanatory, "Les Chasseurs des Alpes et des Apennins."