7 JULY 1888, Page 3

The time of the House of Commons was grossly wasted

on Thursday night by a long wrangle as to the conduct of the Charitable Trusts Commissioners in having failed to appoint any Nonconformist on the body of Governors of the Royal Holloway College, after the late Mr. S. Morley's deatth The truth we believe to be that it was thought that Mr. Mundella,— well known as he is, not only as ex-Vice-President of the Council of Education, but as protecting jealously the educational in- terests of Nonconformists,—would be a much more effectual representative of the Nonconformist rights and claims than any non-official Nonconformist. And in so judging, the Charitable Trusts Commission judged rightly. At all events, it is quite certain that no nomination to the Board of Governors has been made which has not met with the warm approval of the late Mr. Holloway's trustees, two of whom were his own relations. The notion of representing Lord Granville and Mr. Mundella as Churchmen likely to steal a march on the Nonconformists, is ludicrous in the extreme. There is not an institution anywhere where the Nonconformists are more jealously protected in their Nonconformity than the Royal Holloway College.