7 JULY 1900, Page 21

• • " 01:INGA DIN."

(To TEE EDITOR OF TEE "Seaman:] SIR,—The writer of the article on " Asiatic •Couraie " in the Spectator of June 30th spealcs of the " Gunge Din " of Mr. Kipling as " a nearly impossible name." Will you permit me to point out that the word "Din " has. as the writer seems to imagine, no connection with the Arabic "din," the true faith," familiar in the Malommedan war-cry, " Deena ! Deen !" The affix in the name " Gunga Din " is pure Hindi, derived from the Sanskrit " dine," in the sense of " poor," " indigent." Thus the full name of the famousi Bhishti means " Slave of Mother Ganges," the child having, perhaps. been born in answer to a bow addressed to the river goddess, who is, like the water-spirit of. the Greeks, Kovparp‘Toc.—I am, Sir, &c.,


Langton House, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham.