7 JULY 1928, Page 36

General Knowledge Questions

Questions on London in Literature

OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Miss Phoebe Fenwick Gaye, Devon Cottage, Shawfield Street, S.W. 8, for the following :-

Who said :-

1. London is a roost for every bird ?

2. That monstrous tuberosity of civilized life, the capital of England ? 3. The centre of a thousand trades ?

4. London ! the needy villain's general home, The common- sewer of Paris and of Rome ?

5. London's the dining-room of Christendom ? • 6. Lo—where huge London, huger day by day, O'er six fair counties spreads its hideous sway ? 7. To mery London, my most kyndly nurse, That to me gave this life's first native source ?

8. In London, that great sea, whose ebb and flow At once is deaf and loud ?

9. The noble spirit of the metropolis is the life-blood of the State, collected at the heart ?

10. London is the only place in which the child grows completely up into the man ? 11. Thou art in London, in that pleasant place, Where every kind of mischief's daily brewing ?

12. We looked o'er London, where men wither and choke, Roofed in, poor souls, renouncing stars and skies ? 13. It is worth living in London, surely, to enjoy the country when you get to it ?

Answers will be found on page 86.