7 JUNE 1834, Page 11


Arrived—At Deal, June 5th, II. CS. Buckinghamshire, alum. from Chien; Lady Flora, Fount ; and Warrior. St from Madras: Catherine. Fenn Bengal Merchant, Campbell; rind Dike of Noah:motherland. Pope, from Bengal ; awl Eleanor, Havelock, Prom Ceylon. Off Dover, 45It, Emma, Edenburough, from New Sent* W.les. orteo Wight. 5111 Madras. Ite.tch. from Madras. on- Brighton, 5114 Auriga, thalinent, front New South AVales. Off Poole. 50a. Eleanor. Lyons, from Cullom Orr Falmouth. 3,1. Reform. %Pile:alt. front China. Off Bantry Bay, 3d, Victory. Biden, front Bombay. Off Holyhead, 4t11, Royal Saxon. Reinter. loan Bengal; and Magnet. Ill'tlinn, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 4th, Laurence, Gill, from Bengal. Off ditto, 4th, Albion, M•Ltssl, from tlit to. At St. Helena, April 4th. Diadem, Clark. from the Cape; and leth, Margaret. Roper, from Ihmnbay. At the Cape. March 29111, Lady NPNagIttan, Faith, from Madras. At the Mau nit its. previous to Feb. Stlt, 'fancreth Illtws, from

re.moek ; Brought y r.s,ulm It ailli,•, Ilona Leith : nod Al huh Nlalconl. Wen Liverom& At Madras, Jan. 231. Itarretto j S linters ; Alfred, Tapley : and 26th, Ilindostati,

Ited,ran, tr.,m London. At Bengal. .I.m. S9.11, Sherhorur. - from London, Sailed-- From Gravesend. duet, hi. Favourite, Voting, for the Cape. From Liverpool, 1st, Medura, Tweedie. for New &nth Wales.


Arrived—Off the Wig 'it, Elizotheth. Aul.tby ; and Ca tin•rioe, — ; front Now South W:th.s. At Si. 11..leua, April 10, Irma, Iterunra from Bengal ; mud Peuy an! Park. — I room Mammril Ms. Am the Cap,. March :41 st (Invitee, Trail. from Itornlaty ; and Courier, Palmer. from London. At Bengal, Jan. In. A raLi.inl. Boult, front Liverpool : :2111. Roxburgh Castle, ',Welter ; and lst, Earl Ehlon, Theaker, from London ; and Asia, 'rouge, from Liverpool.