7 JUNE 1834, Page 11



The Money Market has recovered its firmness, and the political events of the week have tended to enhance the value of our public Funds. The price of Consols for Account has been as high as 93i ; from which point a depression to to 922 was occasioned by the rumoured death of Lord SPENCER, which event, by calling Lord ALTHORP to the House of Lords, wou!d, it is imagined," seriously embarrass the present Ministry. Without entering into the question of the noble lord's financial talents, it must he confessed that lie itissesses in an eminent degree the "confidence" of the House of Commons ; end though it might not be difficult to supply his place as Chancellor ef the Exchequer, it Would be scarcely possible to find his equal as Leader, or rather conciliator of the House of Commons. The Market has recovered its tone this morning, and the price is 92r, 93. It is not vet known what course the Government will adopt in paying off the the dissented 4 per Cent. Stock ; but the policy of dissent is well illustrated by time price of the Stock ; the price of the dissented portion being nearly 1% per cent, higher than that of the other Stock—the price of the Astented Stock is 99, and that of the Dissented 101.

In the Foraign Market, Spanish Stock still continues the favourite for specula.

ben. The rise during the week has been unusually great : on Monday, the price was 39; on Tuesday the Bonds were as high as 41; the Stick rose again on Wednesday to 43,1, from which point it declined to 42; and has since fine. 'tinted between 42 and 431, closing this afternoon at 43# #. It is reported that the recent purchases have been made on account of Spanish Capitalists residing in the South of France. We are unable to state whether such be positively, the ease, but we know that several of the rich Spaniards who were expelled from Simko have taken up their residences at Toulouse and Bordeaux, and that at the time of their expulsion they carried with them into France in capital which Was estimated at from three to five millions sterling. The demand has been greater to-day than ordinary for the Bonds of the Loan 1623, known as New Spanish Stuck; which has been 4fi per cent. below the other in price, and is sew only about 3 per cent, below it. The Bonds of the Portuguese Regency have fallen in value notwithstanding the successful result of the centest in the Peninsula. The impending issue of another million of the Loan may be considered as the cause of this decline. The price of the Bonds has been as low as 74%; but upon the report that the nego- tiation alluded to has been postponed for some time, the prim has improved to 74, and closes to-day at 761. This improvement may, after all, he traceable to the declaration made by Lord Gaze that the treaty was really executed, god was only returned to Lisbon to correct an informality, as it waa generally be- lieved till re, day that Don PEDRO had returned it uuexecuted. Tine South American Stocks are rather more in demand. Columbian Bonds have been at 264. The prospects which the recent events in Spain have opened to the recognition of the Republic hy the Mother Country, may be stated as the cause for this improvement. Br:milt:1u Bonds are rather heavier than last week. Dutch anti the other Continental Stocks, are rather above their last quota- tions. A large sale of Gteek Omni= has caused a decline in that commodity, especially in the Bonds of the English Gutrantee, which have been at 113. The price of the Onmium may now be quoted at 1041 5%; the Bonds of the Russian amid French Guarantee at 101%, and the English portion at 112:i 113%.


The debate of last night in the House of Lords has produced an unfavourable impression of the stability of the Ministry; and the natural result of such a con- viction has been a depression in the Money Market. Consols for .Account have been as low as 922, and are now 922 3. The Spanish Bonds are still in request ; the opening price this morning was 431, and the price at present 434, 44. Portuguese Regency Bonds have also impraved, and after being at 77, are at 76% /I. The demand for Columbian Stock has increased to-day ; the opeuing price was 26 to 29; bet as the orders to purchase have been numerous, the quotation has advanced to so The shares of the Imperial Brazilian Alining Company have experienced a decline of 201. since yesterday morning. The pro- duce of the mines has fallen to 2 lbs. of gold per day when the last advices left Rio. The price of the skires, which was yesterday, 52 is to-day 8234.


The Consul Market closes rather lower ; the prices of Foreign Stocks are, however, maintained. Spanish Stock has continued in demand; and after being at 441, dows at 43;1 11. Portugnese Bonds are rather lower ; and Wiwi- bian Bonds are nut quite so much in demand as in the morning.

3 per Cent. Console shut I Ditto for Account. 621 1 I New 3,1- pr Cum Annuities shot i Bank stook 2I6 India Stock for Account --- Esehequer Hills .... 5 l 1 Belgian 5 per Cents 98 4 BraLilitin 5 per Ceuts 751 1 I

Danish 3 per Cents 744 75

Onteh 94 per Cents. 521 French 3 per Cents

Greek, I s33. 5 per Cents 1043 54

Mexican G per Cents. 44 45

Portugticse5 per Cents. 76i Do Regencv Scrip5 perCent 761

Prussians, Ig18, 5 per — Russian. 1522. 5 per Cent ISO Spanish, 1d21, 5 per Cent... 431 AI