7 JUNE 1834, Page 2

The Madrid Gazette of the 24th May contains the Royal

decree for the convocation of the Cortes on the 24th July. The main provision of the decree is, that an electoral junta is to assemble on the 20th of this month in each department, the extent of which was fixed by the law of M. BURGOS some months ago ; then to choose two electors, by ballot; who are to proceed to the capital town of the province, to choose the stipulated number of Deputies for the Cortes. The whole number of Deputies to be chosen is 188. This election is to take place on the 30th instant. Every Deputy must be worth 120/. a year; and be a native of the pro- vince for which he is elected, or have been a resident in it for two years.

The French Ambassador, M. RAYNEVAL, was hooted and pelted with stones, and the windows of his carriage were broken, at Aranjuez, where the Queen resides, on the 23d of last month. The only representatives of Foreign Courts now at Madrid are the English, French, Portuguese, and Neapolitan ; and it is doubtful how long the last will remain. It is probable that Spanish affairs will proceed more prosperously in the absence of the Ambassadors of the Northern Despots, than if the Government were annoyed by their insulting interference.

An amnesty has been proclaimed at last, in favour of all politi- cal offenders, without any exception whatever. It is said that the gallant MINA, whose health is now much better, will soon return to his native country. Thus, on the whole, Spanish prospects seem to be brightening.