7 JUNE 1834, Page 8

VIC COM% TI1EIR I.y the l'iittees; Augusta, Prinee George of

tionhridge, Earl and Comptes,. Howe, the Elul of Denbigh, Lord A. Fitz-derelict., and the Earl of Mk: early, attended divine service in the Royal Chapel of Greenwich Hospital on Sunday, it being the anniversary of Lord Howe's victory. The town and all the precincts of the Hospital were crowded at an early hour in the morning ; end strong bodies of soldiery and police were in readiness to preserve order. The chapel was completely filled, and presented a very gay appearance, as the Admirals and naval officers present acre dressed in full uniform. The pensioners, 186 in number, were all marshalled in due order, in the lower part of the chapel. The Chaplain, Dr. Cole, had the discretion to preaches/tort sermon ; with which his Majesty was pleased to express his great satisfaction. The Royal Marines, a body of whom had ar- rived from Deptford, sat down to an excellent dinner, while their King was attending divine service in the chapel, and the Dragoons also bivouacked on the sward in the quadrangle. All parties seem to have been exceedingly delighted with the business of the day.

On Monday, their Majesties returned to Windsor. Earl Gaav pro- ceeded to Windsor on Wednesday morning, and had an audience of the King.

On Thursday afternoon, their Majesties arrived at St. James's Pulace. The King soon afterwards held a l'ri vy Council ; at which Mr. Spring Rice and Mr. Justice Vaughan were sworn in as Privy Councillors, and the Earl of Ripon and Mr. Stanley delivered up the seals of their respective offices to the Eine ; who coesigned the Privy Seal to the Earl of Carlisle, and the sea of the Secretary of the Colonial Depart- ment to Mr. Spring Rice. The Duke of Richmond and Sir James Graham had also audiences of his Majesty, and formally resigned their offices. Lord Auckland kissed hands ite First Lord of the Admiralty, and Mr. Poulett Thomson as President of the Board of Trade.

The general Levee was then held. Among the company, were the Dukes of Richmond and Beaufort, Mr. E. G. Stanley, Mr. Ellice, and Sir Edward Knatchbull. '1 he levee was very thinly. attended. In the evening, their Majesties retureed to Wiedsor.

The Prince and Princess Hobeitloc arrit et! at Kensington Palace on Thursday, on a visit to the Dutchess of Kent, the mother of the Prin- cess; whom she had not seen for upwards of six years.