7 JUNE 1834, Page 9


FRANCIS Flan.v, Esq., V.P., in the Chair.

Professor Wilson was admitted a Fellow of the Royal Society. The following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the Royal Society—John Marquis of Breadalbane; the Right Honourable Charles John Lord Teignmouth ; Honour- able George Elliot, Captain ft. N., Secretary of the Admiralty ; Reverend Fre- derick William Hope, M.A. ; Joseph Jekyll junior, M.A. ; Reverend Robert Murphy, M.A. ; Honourable Sir George Rose, one of the Judges of the Court of Bankruptcy ; Richard Twining, Esq. ; William Robert Whatton, Esq., Surgeon to the Manchester Royal Infirmary; George Witt, M.D., Physician to the Bedtind Infirmary. John Greathed Harris, Esq., of Old Palace Yard, was proposed as a candi- date for elestion.