7 JUNE 1851, Page 21


PARTNERanies DISSOLVED.-Gourley, Sunderland, coal-fitters-Places and Blob- ton, Hoddlesden within Over Darwen, Lancashire, cotton-spinners; as far as re- 5 s J. Rishton-T. rind J. Hewitt, Knotty Ash, Liverpool, plumbers-J. and C. olds, New Compton Street, wire-drawers-Cheatham and Co. Glossop, brewers - ronside and Miller, Bank Buildings, Lothbury-W. and R. Noblett, Preston, farmers-Allmand and Parry, Wrexham, dealers in wool-L. and H. Wulfson, Man- chester, watch-manufacturers-Shaw and Beale, Bath, linen-drapers-Senn and Co. Bahia. merchants-Cooper and Wright, South Clifton, Nottinghamshire, maltsters- Goodman and Close, Broughton, Salford, surgeons-Morgan and Rockcliffe-Daw- son and Williams, New Bridge Street, wine-merchants-Cooke and Howard, Den- ton, Lancashire, hat-manufacturers-Sedgwick and Taylor, Piccadilly, lamp-sellers -Liddell and Co. Glasgow, oil-merchants. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.-Joust WHITE, Birmingham, hay-dealer.

BANKRUPTS.-SAMUEL GEORGE CteeirrERDAINE, Eaton Mews, West Pimlico, horse- dealer, to surrender June 11, July 15: solicitors, Lee and Pemberton, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-EDWARD PEPPER, Threadneedle Street, victualler, June 11, July 15: solicitor, Pollock, Essex Street; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-JACOB Haim; Gravesend, timber-merchant, June 16, July 8: solicitors, J. and W. Meyrnott, Blackfriars Road; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-RICHARD CLARICE PAULIN°, Great Percy Street, Pentonville, rail- way-contractor, June 14, July 12: solicitors, Newbon and Evans, Wardrobe Place, Doctors' Commons; Linklaters, Charlotte Row ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-GEORGE JONES WEBB, Llanelly, Carmarthenshire, coal-merchant, June 14, July 15 : solicitors, Linklaters, Charlotte Row; Abbott and Lucas, Bristol; official assignee, Hutton, Bristol-Wim.rAw HAMLET, Clifton, builder, June 14, July 15: solicitors, Abbot and Lucas, Bristol; official assignee, Hutton, Bristol- HENRY COATES, Birmingham, draper, June 23, July 21 : solicitors, Motterarn and Co. Birmingham; official assignee, Valpy, Birmingham-BENJAMIN THOMPSON, Derby, woollen-draper, June 27, July 11: solicitors, Pickering and Gamble, Derby ; official assignee, Bittleston, Nottingham-THOMAS SLATER and JOSHUA PATON, Sal- ford, cotton-spinners, June 17, July 8: solicitor, Hardman, Manchester ; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-DAVID JOHNSTONE, Manchester, innkeeper, June 17, July 8 : solicitors, Whitworth, Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester -Emmen Nienotsene, York, tailor, June 27, July 17 : solicitors, Mann, York ; Male and Clarke, Leeds; official assignee, Freeman, Leeds. DIVIDENDS.-June 24, Dannitt Jun. Talbot Inn Yard, Southwark, hop-merchant- June 24, Tydeman, Chelmsford, timber-merchant-June 24, Howard, Attlebridge, Norfolk, maltster-June 2S, Heyliger,Tottenham Court Road, silversmith-June 24, Reynolds, Great Marlborough Street, money-scrivener-June 24, Bretton, Rupert Street, printer-June 23, Douglas, Woodcote, stage-coach-proprietor-June 23, Smith, Woolwich, linen-draper-June 23, St. Clair, Great St. Helen's, merchant- June 26, Britten, Suffolk Lane, Cannon Street, wine-merchant-June 26, Strickland and Brickwood, Liverpool, merchants.

CERripicATEs.-7b be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of sneeting.-June 26, Bright, Maldon, corn-merchant-June 25, Haines, Northampton, grocer-June 25, Hill, Charlton Place, Islington, builder-July 9, Wilson, Hull, merchant-June 24, Jones, Wrexham, cheese-factor.

DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDENDS.-Whitmore and Co. Lombard Street, bankers; eighth div. of nd. June 5, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stausfeld, Basing- hall Street-Champion, Friday Street, furrier; third div. of 2i d. June 5, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Friend, Kidderminster, book- seller ; first div. of 23.11d. June 5, and any subsequent Thursday; Valpy, Birmingham. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION.-Park, Edinburgh, sculptor, June 9, July 1.

Friday, June 6.

PAwrxEnsirips DISSOLTED.-Steinthal and Co. Manchester, commission-merchants -Steinthal and Co. Bradford, commission-merchants-Ensorn and Kirkham, Ni- cholas Lane, commission-agents-Sutton and Hanson, Hull, ship-chandlers-Foys- ter and Keller, Sherborne I.ane, eatingbouse-keepers-Roseveare and Couch, St. Stephen's-by-Saltash, Cornwall, lime-burners-Anson and Co. Liverpool, commission- merchants-W. and H. Bickley, Stoke-upon-Trent, drapers-Dewhurst and Co. Manchester, commission-agents-Gray and Crippin, Runcorn, Cheshire, ironmon- gers-Harcourt and Co. Parliament Street, civil-engineers-Rose and Co. Kidder- minster, yarn-agents-Knill and Co. Pudding Lane, fruit-brokers-J. and B. Scho- field, Manchester, commission-agents-The Caledonian Tube Company ; as far as regards S. A. Goddird-Robinson and Co. Birmingham, chemists; as far as regards A. Robinson-Smith and Co. Liverpool, merchants-Greig and Co. London, and G. Greig and Co. Cape of Good Hope, merchants-Denis and Co. Lime Street, wine- merchants-Chanter and Co. Cornhill, manufacturers of composition for coating ships' bottoms-Hannan and Rae, Hull, iron-founders-Walker and Jones, Liver- pool, joiners-Kinnear and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne; as far as regards H. W. lenwick-Kerby and HiScocks, Opera Colonnade, boot-makers-Fitton and Co. Manchester, machine-makers; as far as regards A. Bairstow. BANERurrs.-ANDREW BURN, Sackville Street,'tailor, to surrender June 12, July 18: solicitors, Miller and Horn, King William Street, London Bridge; official as- signee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-EDWARD LEECH, Chichester, apothecary, June 25, July 18: solicitors' Wilkinson and Co. Nicholas Lane ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-JOHN limas. Warwick, grocer, June 17, July 8 : so- licitors, Linklaters, Charlotte Row ; Hodgson, Cherry Street; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham-lloRATio BLACK, Nottingham, lace-manufacturer, June 27, July 11: solicitors, Freeth and Co. Nottingham ; Hodgson, Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Nottingham-JOHN JACKSON, Scarborough, silversmith, June 21, July 15: solicitors, Reece, Birmingham; Bond and Barwick, Leeds; official assignee, Hope, Leeds-JOHN GREENBAton, Radcliffe Bridge, Lancashire, draper, June 23, July 14 : solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Pott, Man- chester.

DIVIDENDS.-June 27, Davies, Times Wharf, Pimlico, coal-merchant-June 27, Ralstan, Bow, engineer-June 27, Hast, Aldermanbury, merchant-June 27, Ste- phens, Old Broad Street, bill-broker-June 27, Le Boutillier, Northumberland Place, Commercial Road 'East, draper-June 28, Whitten, Vine Street, Regent Street, tailor-June 28, Curtis, Tokenhouse Yard, merchant-June 28, Hogg Port- sea, auctioneer-July 1, Perry, Harlow, Essex, grocer-July 1, Sleigh, Bedford Street, Strand, printer--June 27, Evans, Merthyr Tydvil, ironmonger-June 27, J. and G. Lloyd, Brinnington, Cheshire, builders-June 27, Oldfield, Liverpool, com- mission-merchant-June 27, Blake, Liverpool, soap-manufacturer-June 27, J. and H. Suker, Birkenhead, carpet-dealers-July 2, Marshall, Hull, builder-July 1, Wyrill, Bradford, ironmonger-June 27, Horsfield, Cheshire, coal-dealer. CERTIFICATES.- To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting.-,June 30, Britten, Suffolk Lane, Cannon Street, wine-merchant-June 30, France, Lambeth Walk, clothier-June 27, Johnson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, banker -July 2, Croafield, Lanwonne, Glamorganshire, coal-miner-June 30, Meikle, Liver- pool, pawnbroker. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDEND8.-Allmey, Sheffield, hosier; first div. of 2s. 9d. June 7, or any subsequent Saturday ; Freeman, Sheffield-Hutton, Sheffield, grocer; se- cond div. of 2s. 6d. June 7, or any subsequent Saturday; Freeman, Sheffield-Bar- row, Beverley, warehouseman; first and final div. of 9s. 10d. any Tuesday; Carrick, Iltill-Manby, Burnley, ironmonger ; div. of Is. 4d. any Thursday ; Lee, Manches- ter-Pierce, Manchester, merchant ; first and final div. of 8d. on the separate estate, June 19, and any subsequent Thursday ; Lee, Manchester-Lightfoot, Torquay, livery-stablekeeper • first div. of 5s. lid. any Tuesday after June 10; Hirtzel, Exe- ter-Beeley, Plymouth, clerk ; further div. of Is. lid. any Tuesday after June 10; Hirtzel, Exeter-Bonifas jun. Dorchester, woollen-draper; first div. of 3s. lid. any Tuesday ; Hirtzel, Exeter-Frampton, Cerne Abbas, Dorsetshire, money-scrivener; first dividend of Sid. any Tuesday; Hirtzel, Exeter-Weekes, Inwardleigh, Devonshire edge-tool-maker; second div. of 54d. any Tuesday, Hirtzel, Exeter- Taynton, Lincoln's Inn,-law-stationer; sec. div. of 3d. June 7, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Baines, Camden New Town, linen-draper ; first div. of 48. 2d. June 7, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Pottinger, Hardwick Place, Commercial Road, wine-merchant; first div. of Is. 3d. June 7, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Jar- dine,Dartford, linen-draper ; sets. div. of 83. 3d. June 7, and three subsequent Satur- days; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Saunders, Bradford, Wiltshire, woollen-manufac- turer; third div. of Id. on the separate estate, June 7; and three subsequent Satur- daya ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Keeper, Camberwell, wire-rope-maker ; sec. div. of 2s. Jane 7, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Buddle, Irongate Wharf, Paddington, timber-merchant ; third div. of 9d. June 7, and three subsequentSaturday0 : Edwards', Samtrook Court. SCOTCH, .SB‘AupsTRA,stioRs.rItoss,, Ceupar Angus, Perthshire, innkeeper, Juno 12, JUly -SomervMd, Pithhead; Fifeshire, engraver, June 13, July 4 -Wallece se- nior, Glasgow, manufacturer, June 14, July 12.