7 JUNE 1879, Page 3

A successor is to be appointed to Bishop Gobat, the

reformed Bishop of Jerusalem ; and surely he ought to be a man learned in the Jewish lore, a real Hebraist, and thoroughly familiar with the teaching of the great Jewish schools of thought. One of Bishop Gobat's chief duties was to superintend the missions for the conversion of the Jews, and clearly those who try to con- vert the Jews ought to know well the character of their predominant schools. Besides, Bishop Gobat had many dealings with those Eastern prelates who were most anxious for a re- formed Church ; and without great knowledge of the East, and especially the Semitic portions of the East, no Bishop would be able to wield much influence over the Catholic prelates of the East. The successor to Bishop Gobat should not be a mere missionary. He should be a man of appropriate learning and of some presence,—if such there be amongst the possible candidates.