7 JUNE 1913, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR 07 TEE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I enclose a copy of a circular letter which is being sent to the residents in this neighbourhood, asking them to send every week a few flowers from their gardens for the enjoy- ment of the patients and nursing staffs of the Middlesex and St. Mary's hospitals. Surely some of your readers in other neighbourhoods round London or in the suburbs of other of our great cities would undertake the small amount of organiza- tion that this scheme requires ; it has now been in operation here in Pinner since 1908, and year by year letters are received from the secretaries of the hospitals which receive the flowers saying how welcome these gifts are. I will not attempt to make an appeal that this suggestion should be adopted ; the idea passed on is an appeal in itself. If I could, however, give any of your readers any assistance in starting a similar scheme I should be happy to do so by telling them what has been done in this neighbourhood.—I am, Sir, &c.,

Myrtle Dene, Love Lane, Pinner Village.