7 JUNE 1913, Page 2

The Derby, which was run in the presence of the

king and Queen, proved this year exceedingly sensationaL In the first place, the horse belonging to the King, Anmer, was brought to grief by a militant suffragist, who rushed out from the crowd at Tattenham Corner and either tried to seize the horse's rein or else deliberately threw herself under its feet. The result was that the horse, which was probably going at some thirty miles an hour, came to the ground and rolled on the jockey. Happily neither man nor horse was seriously hurt. Unfor- tunately, the woman received very severe injuries, and though she was not killed, as was at first reported, her condition remains grave. The suffragist in question is Miss Emily Davison. She has been constantly in conflict with the police, and seems to have had a special aptitude for throwing stones and breaking windows. She has also set fire to pillar boxes, and assaulted a Baptist minister in mistake for Mr: Lloyd George at Aberdeen. Her record in the matter of hunger striking is probably unsurpassed, and she is said to have attempted to commit suicide in prison.