7 JUNE 1919, Page 21

First Advice to Wosti.be Farmers. By F. E. Green. (Country

Life Library, Tavistock Street. 5s. net.)--Mr. Green's enthu- siasm for the land is well known. In his latest book ho writes with his usual infectious optimism about small farms and how to work them. He advises the would-be farmer how to make a start (1) if he has capital and no knowledge ; (2) if he has know- ledge and no capital ; (3) if he has neither capital nor knowledge. Different types of farms are discussed, and about all of them Mr. Green is inspiring and about some of them he writes like an artist. The book also gives details of the various legislation fcr small-holders and allotment-holders, and concludes with an investigation of different schemes for settling ex-Service men on the land.