7 JUNE 1975, Page 4

Sir: Sprayed on a hoarding at the topof Bedford Hill, Balharn in South London IS the message:

Brussels Sprouts

Bureaucrats ... and that seems to me to sum up the whole argument. Moore 58 Hopton Road, London S

Teresa Sir: Three points should be put on record before the result of this week's Referendum on the Common Market is known.

If we stay in the EEC, the manner in which Mr Heath took us in will remain so unconstitutional (amounting, in fact, to an act of treason) that it must be corrected by Parliament. Secondly, if we leave the Market it should be acknowledged that there are no grounds of any kind for claiming that Great Britain is going back on her word. Mr Heath signed us into the EEC, and we duly entered the EEC, thus fulfilling in full what we had undertaken.

There was nothing in the Treaty he signed to say we have to stay in any longer than we wanted.

It is the suggestion that it is dishonourable to contract out that it itself dishonourable. Mr Heath and those who echo him must know that the allegation they make is a deliberate and unforgiveable smear on their own country.

The third point follows from the second. If Britain remains in the Market after the Referendum there will, for some years to come, be no practical, legal or moral reason why she should not withdraw at any time she pleases. It will be another matter once political and monetary integration have taken place. Robert L. Huxharn 18 Gloucester Place,

London WI.