7 JUNE 1975, Page 5

Sour note

Sir: In the now distant days when Britain was a great nation, as well as a 'great power', our statesmen concerned themselves with what we could give to the rest of the world as well as with Britain's own narrower interests..

Now all that we hear from politicians of both the major parties is competing shouts about what we can, or cannot, expect to screw out of our neighbours in Europe to bolster up a standard of living that we neither earn nor deserve.

With such an example from those who lead us, how can those who see and accept the need for self restraint in consumption of scarce resources possibly make the voice of moderation heard? And why should any of our EEC partners be willing any longer to bear With such whining arrogance — surely the most unattractive combination of traits in either an individual or a nation?

H. L. G. Stroyan 4 Dellcroft Way, Harpenden, Herts