7 MARCH 1835, Page 15

The colonists at Graham's Town, South Africa, were in great

alarm, when the last accounts were despatched, from the incursions of the Caffres, who had ravaged the vicinity. The cause of these attacks is not clearly stated ; but it seems probable that the C,affres wished to take revenge for some outrage of the colonists. In one of the papers of the colony, dated 27th December 1834, it is stated on the authority of a correspondent, "that some horses had been stolen, or had strayed beyond the Caffre frontier ; that tbey were followed by a patrol under the command of a young Lieutenant, who, not being able to find the horses, seized a number of cattle and drove them towards the colony. This was resented by the Caffres, who pursued the party with me- nacing gestures ; upon which the Lieutenant ordered them to fire. The Caffres were repulsed, and the cattle brought into the colony." In quarrels with savages, it happens almost invariably that the White men are the aggressors.

From Vienna we learn that the company of Don Miguel in that ca- pital is not desired, because some recent events have come to the know- ledge of the Imperial Court not favourable to the character of the ex usurper of Portugal. We do not, see, however, why the Don should be at a loss for an asylum, as long as his friends, the Aberdeens, the Beresfords, and the Wellingtons, hold in their hands the Government of England.—Courier. The Legislature of North Carolina has decided, by a vote of 50 to 38, that a free man of colour shall not be permitted to educate his own children or cause them to be educated.