7 MARCH 1846, Page 11

More has been made of the Andover Union vote of

Friday night, as a " defeat of Ministers," than we attach to it. Perhaps others are more in the secret of the intentions of parties than we are. A shrewd observer, who was present at the debate, reports that when the time for dividing arrived, " the TVhigs all flowed out of the House like a stream of lava, leaving only Lord John and a few of those compromised by former office and expressed opinions to defend the Commissioners."' The Times this morning gives the following analysis of the votes on the addition moved by Mr. Christie—


Conservatives 54 Conservatives

Whigs 40 Whigs 94 71 Majority against Ministers 23

Of the 54 Conservatives- 50 voted against Ministers on the Corn-

law division.

1 new Member (Hiklyard).

3 voted with Ministers for Free-trade ;

54 Bodkin, W. 11. Copeland, Alderman. Harmer, Sir John.

Of the 49 Conservatives-

37 voted for Free-trade on the late di- vision.

12 voted against Ministers and Free — trade ; viz.- 49

Adderley, Charles B.

Brisco, M.

Bruges, W. H.

Carew, W. H. P.

Courtenay, Lord.

Davies, D. A. S.

Denison, E. B.

Gordon, Hon. Captain.

Jones, Captain.

Lockhart, W.

Pakington, J. S.

Trotter, J.

49 22 71