7 MARCH 1896, Page 24

The Expositor. Edited by W. Robertson Nicoll, M.A. Fifth Series.

Vol. II. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—There is nothing more generally interesting in this volume than Professor R anisay's contributions. These relate to the Acts, and will be found in his volumes on St. Paul. But the volume contains as usual much valuable matter. Mr. F. C. Conybeare contributes a paper on the disputed conclusion of St. Mark's Gospel as the question is affected by an Armenian MS. of the tenth century, and Mr. G. A. Simcox an essay on the " Structure of the Book of Job," in which he suggests a divided authorship. We have also part of a controversy on "The Speeches in the Chronicles" between Dr. Valpy French and Professor Driver.

A work over which there has been, we might say, a long struggle between the interests of the commercial public and the routine of the Post Office, appears in what is practically a complete form. This is Sell's Directory of Registered Telegraphic Addresses. (Henry Sell.)—How large a matter it is may be imagined from the fact that these telegraphic addresses are used by more than 50,000 firms. These are arranged in a convenient way. The work, a convenience to the business world, the importance of which it is not easy to estimate, is the result of the energy of Mr. Sell, and we heartily hope that he may reap from its publication such benefit as may repay him for his trouble.

We have received the annual volume of The National Church, described as "a monthly record of Church work," and serving as the organ of the "Church Defence Association." It will be found a storehouse of useful facts which those who may be called upon to express their views on the subject will find very convenient.