7 MARCH 1925, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—WD you allow me space to call the attention of your readers to a Conference on Education and Peace, to be held at the Guildhouse, .Ece.leston Square, S.W. 1 (five minutes from Victoria Station), on Saturday, March 14th ? The extreme importance of the subject must be my excuse. We arc all beginning to realize that peace takes at least as much making " as war, and its victories are even harder to win. This is an attempt to see the way to " moral disarmament " through the intelligence and courage of the rising generation.

Among the speakers will he Professor Graham Wallas, D.Litt., Dr. J. C. Maxwell Garnett, C.B.E., M.A., Miss K. D. Courtney, G. P. Gooch, Esq., D.Litt., and the Rev. Dr. Costley-White, M.A., Ikad-Master of Wektminster School ; and among the aspects of the subject specially dealt with will be the moral equivalent for war, the Scout and Guide Move- ments, and the teaching of History and Scripture in schools.