7 MARCH 1931, Page 1

As for Lord Irwin, we cannot express too strongly our

grateful admiration of his moral courage. He has persisted in the face of much misrepresentation and disparagement, but he is bringing to India a harvest of peace which could not have been garnered by any other methods than his own. No doubt there will be as much criticism as ever in this country from those sluggish thinkers who have been unable to keep pace with the rapid march of events. But we think that a careful examination of the facts will convince nearly all reason- able people that the Viceroy, so far from having made a base surrender, has contrived terms not only honourable but businesslike. The agreement permits the collection of salt by people living on the sea coast, gives the Govern- ment discretion to drop proceedings against persons who are subject to fines or loss of lands, and legalizes peaceful picketing for economic objects. Mr. Gandhi abandoned the demand for an " independent inquiry " into alleged police excesses.

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