7 MARCH 1931, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, I have read with interest the letter in the Spectator of Jan. 17th from Mrs. Breck, President of the Anti-Steel-Trap League of Washington, which was founded by her late husband. This society is by far the strongest one of its kind in America ; and it has always given me the greatest encouragement and help in my work.

Mrs. Breck says : " No animal is ever cruel to another, for the very simple reason that enmity predicates the con- sciousness of causing suffering, which, of course, beasts, not being at all capable of reflection or abstract thought, cannot possess."

Now, the wearing of trapped furs by the majority of people is not cruel : it is usually done only through thoughtlessness and ignorance of the facts as to how they have been obtained. I feel quite sure that no woman would knowingly be the cause of so much suffering. It is to enlighten people about this that I have sent out 125,000 of my leaflets, the " Horrors of Fur Trapping," which also mention which furs may be worn, as having been obtained with a minimum of cruelty. As I feel it is important to get hold of the younger genera- tion, I am now sending a circular letter to the head-mistresses of 1,200 girls' schools, asking them to allow me to send them a leaflet for every one of their pupils. I should also be most grateful to any of your readers who will help me to distribute these leaflets, and will gladly send them as many as , they ask for, free of charge. I want to get out the first million as quickly as possible ; but I am unfortunately always being held up by lack of funds.—I am, Sir, &c.,