7 MARCH 1931, Page 46

General Knowledge Questions

OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questioni submitted is awarded this week to Mr. Louis de Winton, Linford, Ringwood, Hampshire, for the following :—

. Some Questions on Relations and in-laws 1. My cousin has become his uncle's brother-in-law. How has

he done it ? - -

2. My wife was my aunt and also my second cousin. How ear. this have been ?

3. My son has become my wife's brother-in-law. By what proce.,- did he arrive at his relationship?

4. My first cousin's father is my father's first cousin nnd


brother-in-law also. How has this come about ?

5. My brother's wife is my son-in-law's daughter. Can you explai'. this ?

6. My sister's daughter married my brother's grandson. Whi' relation is their son to me ?

7. My daughter has become my wife's son's stepmother. iloN, -has she contrived this ?

8. I have three half:brothers and one half-sister. Between U- we have four different surnames. Can you make this out ?

9. My god-father is also my first cousin, my uncle and my father' in-law. How has this been managed'?

10: My uncle and I are both and. my uncle is sty nephew. Is this possible ? 113 so, how ?

11. My sister's sister-in-law - is .my „I:aster-in-law's_ sister. By what process was this arrived at ?

12. My father's uncle is my wife's father. What relation was in..' wife to me ?

13. My husband's father's widow married my brother's son. What is our relationship ?

Answers will be found on page-8 80.