7 MARCH 1981, Page 19

A serious force

Sir: In a previous Notebook signed by Alexander Chancellor, there were disparaging remarks about the carabinieri. To support his opinion of their stupidity and incompetence he quoted the numerous 'carabinieri' jokes. Do all the jokes about monks prove the licentiousness of religious orders?

No, the carabinieri are at last beginning to break into the terrorists' ranks. as revealed by Peter Nichols's article in the Spectator of 17 January. I say 'beginning', because the hydra is many-headed and many more carabinieri will die before terrorism is eliminated.

That is public knowledge. You probably also know that the carabinieri are part of the army. As a civilian instructor in the Italian Military Academy here, I am in a position to tell you that the finest officer material is going into that corps. They see a challenge to their country and know the risk they are taking. Some of my colleagues were friends of murdered carabinieri.

R. A. Collinssplatt Via, Campenella 16,

Modena, Italy