7 MARCH 1992, Page 44






Lovely list


In Competition No. 1717 you were in- vited to supply a lovely list.

I was soliciting prose, not verse, though I realise now that the wording of the com- petition was faintly ambiguous. I stick with my intention.

'Moraine, pot, oxbow, glint, sink, crater, piedmont, dimple. . .

Just reeling off their names is ever so comfy,'

wrote Auden, listing lake types. Literature is full of great lists: Homer's catalogue of the Greek ships and commanders in the Iliad, 'the names of those who came to Gatsby's house that summer', Beachcom- ber's directory of Huntingdonshire cab- men, Rupert Brooke's passage beginning, 'These I have loved . . .', the names of apples and pears, taken from Pomona Herefordiensis, which are given by Osbert Sitwell in his Introduction to Left Hand, Right Hand!, and, supreme above all, Rabelais' lists — I cull from the epithets heaped on Gargantua's shepherds by the cake-bakers of Lerne in the translation by Urquhart and Le Motteux: 'freckled bit- tors, shiteabed scoundrels, drowsie loiter- ers, slapsauce fellows, slabberdegullion druggels, paultrie customers, drawlatch hoydons, forlorn snakes, ninnie lobcocks, scurvie sneaksbies, blockish grutnols,

doddipol-joltheads, jobernol goosecaps, slutch calf-lollies, grouthead gnat- snappers, woodcock slangams, jeering companions, noddiepeak simpletons. .

The first three prizewinners printed be- low win £20 and the other two £10. The bonus bottle of Chivas Regal 12-year-old de luxe blended whisky goes to Gerard Benson.

Cats Tyneside Lily; Shawnee Trademark; Amber Queen; Xenophon; Ballochinyle Brown Bump; Scarletina Diamond; Dirty Dick; Jack Frost; King of the Silvers; John Barleycorn; Babette of Midnite; Pandur's Attila; Ubi Bene Ibi El Kahena; Kew Laddie; Wynnstay Ruddiman; Birkdale Ruffie; Persimmon; La Chiquita; Backwell Jogram; Delphi Blue Splendour of Goforth; Pusse; Kala Moonflower; Watership Caesar; Kejo Kyrie; Cossey; Mom Noel; Nai Sri Sawat Miow; Pierette; Longfellow of Annam; Tschi Miao Nadir; Tes; Tickle; Gladys; George; E.T.; Xenia de Kaabaa; Polar Star; White Boy of Pussnbooze; Nephroni's Daughter; Scintilla Felicite; Yildizcik; Diamond Lil; Lamorna Cove; Kallibunker; Roofspringer Moahogany; Cuckoo.

(Gerard Benson) A Lorimer's Lament for the Edwardian Tack- room Snaffles, straight-bar, half-moon, jointed, cheeked, puckle, sliding, keyed for Breaking & Nervous Disposition; that-Ensign-who-was- killed's military bit-and-bridoon; Pelhams, jointed and straight, rough-side, smooth-side; gags for the head-down, martingales (standing, running & Irish) for the sunfishers; driving bits, variable cheek-setting; artillery team bits; lunges; hackamores; the Mexican spade that Uncle brought back; lip-strap and curb-chain, Weyroth running rein and Kineton noseband; an old, rusty Hanoverian. . . gone, most of it, with side-saddle, habit, the swan-necked spurs and the strapped-down inexpressibles over the Wel- lington boots shone up by One's Man.

(Alyson Nikiteas) Butterflies and Moths Pyralid, swallow-tail, scalloped hazel, canary- shouldered thorn, netted pug, grey pine carpet, streamer, yellow shell, cream wave, bath white, adonis blue, purple clay, grass emerald, cinna- bar, red-necked footman, ruby tiger, flounced rustic, lappet, bulrush wainscot, feathered gothic, lunar underwing, clouded drab, small quaker, green arch, pale tussock, black hair- streak, brown argus, silver-washed fritillary, grizzled skipper, mountain ringlet, latticed heath and rush veneer.

(Alanna Blake) Games Racing Demon; Murals; Jamjars; Pass the Par- cel; Pick and Cup; Teapot; Conkers; Tower of Babel; Crown and Anchor; Seven Up; Klon- dike; Preference; Switchback; Slapjack; Nine Men's Morris; Seven-toed Pete; Faro; Ludo; Cluedo; Guggenheim; Lowball; Skinball; Hang- man; Cheat; Snip-snap-snorum; Railroad Euchre; Bliicher; Linger Longer; Loo; Beetle; Poker; Leapfrog; Limbo; Crosswords; Crib- bage; Fizz; Taboo; Hitting the Mummy; Rum- my; Bisley; Bango; Bingo; Hide and Seek; Nose in the Matchbox; Hunt the Slipper; Scissors, Paper, Stone; Bezique; Consequences; Spit in the Ocean; Fan-tan; Fishermen; Fortress; Go; Persian Pasha; Muggins; Marbles; Chinese Whispers; Chess; Cheerio!

(Philip Dacre) An Indian Occasional XI V.P. Ristikutt Ravi Batanpad Mohammed Emsisi D.I. Dikkibird Q. Memberstand Mushtaq Topnotti Flyte Engineer T. Nursfriend Faroukh Gasholder Kapil Fitt V.J. Hatrik 12th man: Mendis Trouzas.

(Roger Baresel)