7 MAY 1842, Page 19


Tuesday, May 3.


Gilford and Jones. Camberwell, glass-dealers- Bowser and Balls. Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, auctioneers-Wilson and Rose. Carlisle, cattle dealers - Heap and Bettye, Huddersfield. attornies - Hultman and Mills. Strutton Grt.und„ grocers-Ross and Hunter, Malta, merchants-Giles and Beecroft. Billingsgate fish-salesman-T. and J. Wontner, Islington. furriers -A. and E. Harries, Maverfordwest. chemists-Terry and Co. Dunstee Court, Mincing Lane, brokers; as far as regards Terry-Barrell and Meates, Conduit Street, OUDDIII-G. and W. Weldon, Stockton, linendrapers-Allarton and tt you, Westbromwich. Staffordshire. iron-masters-Lowe and Co. Birmingham, brass-founders-Blnxam and Campbell, Duke Street. Grosvenor Square, surgeous- EMSOI1 and Co. Saffron Walden, Essex, grocers ; as far as regards John Emson-Marks and Burgess, Bristol, colour.makers-Garsed and Seudamore, Tottenham Court ltoad, tobacco-ma uufacturers - Davis and Griffiths, Bristol. coopers-Come and Co. Liverpool, brokers; as far as regards Frederick Berner-Beviugton and Jee, Liverpool, tea- brokers- Deveny and Birkett, Liverpool. chronometer makers-Tillotson and Alla:- under. Manchester, commission-agents - Berry ad Eyre, Chagford. Devonshire, woollen-manufacturers-Shepherd and Co. Faversham, Kent. ironmongers; as far as regards George Shepherd - D. and W. Wilson, Colombo, Ceylon. merchants-T. and J. Mitchell, Apsley, Yorkshire, dyers-Fraser and Co.; as far as regards Boyd Alexander.


VOWLES, STEPHEN, Bristol, plasterer, May 3.


Buse, WILLIAM, Blackburn, corn-dealer. NICHOLSON, HATFIELD, Canterbury, and Rums, Thomas. Whitstable. carriers-


Arent.r.. WILLIAM, Bourn, Gloucestershire, umbrella-stick-manufacturer, to surrender May 9. June 14; solicitors, Mr. Baylis, Devonshire Square; and Messrs. Winterbottom and Thomas, Tewkesbury.

BLAKE, DODSHON, Norwich. merchant, May 17, June 14: solicitors, Messrs. Woodand Blake. Falcon Street; and Mr. Durrant„ Norwich. BRADSHAW, JAMES, and WILLIAMS. Grows, Marylebone Street, woollendrapel. May 12. June 14 : solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Blenkarne. Backlerebury; efficial as- signee, Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street. Cam Jona. Devonport. draper, May 14, June 14: solicitors, Mr. Smith. Soothowr ton Buildings; and Mr. Gilbard, Devonport. Clomir, WILLIAM. and Co. Houndsditch. hardwaremen, May 10, June 14: solicitor, Mr. Spy er, Broad Street Buildings; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basinghall Street.

ELLIOTT, Roarer, Liverpool osiue.merchant, May 18, June 14 solicitors, Mr. Dint. mock, Sive Lane; and Mr. Fairclough, Liverpool.

GODDARD. EDWARD, Holbeach. draper. May 12, June 14: solieitore. Messrs. Bartrum and Son, Bishopsgate Street ; nest Messy. Johnson and Co. Hotta/each.

Euzansrv, Swansea. grucer. May 17, June 14: solicitors, Messrs. White and Eyre. Bedford Row; and Mr. Short. Bristol.

HISSER, Geeeoe junior, Chesterfield. eawnbroker, May 9. June 14: solicitors, Messrs. Spence and Millicent. Bedford Square; and Lucas and Cutts, Chesterfield.

Jonwsox, Trusses. Liverpool. stationer. May 18. June 14: solicitors, Mr. Thompson Liverpool; and Messrs. Cuvelje and Cu. Southampton Buildings.

KARIN. ROBERT, Upholland, Lancashire, provision•dealer„ May 12, June 14: soli- citors, Mr. Johnson, St. Helen's; and Messrs. Adliugtou and Co. Bedford Row. Mcrae, JoHN, Coleman Street, merchant, May 13. June 14: solicitors. Messrs. Bar- trum and Co. Biahopsgate Street; official assiguee, Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane. OSBALDESToN, FRANCIS JAMES. St. Alban's, horse dealer. May 6, June 10: solicitors, Messrs.-Weymouth and Righy, Chancery Lane; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.

PIDCOCK. icemen, and Buirrow, Trusses, Nottingham. corn-factors, May 18, June 19: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and CO. Temple; and Mr. Bewley, Nottingham.

Burrow, Rtensan, Warrington, wheelwright, May 12. Juno 14: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row; and Mr. Ashton, or Nicholsou and Sons. Warrington.

WALLrs, WILLIAM and Jona. Lincoln. corn•merchants, May 11, June 14: solicitors, Messrs. Lofty and Potter. King Street, Cheapside ; and Mr. Moody. Wragby.


May 24, W. and T. Muuroe, Milk Street. merchants-May 26, Hopkins, Croydon, grocer- May 24, King. High Holborn, eoullendraper -May 21, Robottum, Holborn Hill, taveru-keeper-May 24. Straker, West Strand, bookseller- May 26, Cuiaset, Blackfriars Road. jeweller-May 24. Richards and Co. Shadwell, rope makers-May 26, Wales. Old Kent Rued, victualler-June 3, Tarbotton, Liverpool, factor-May 25, Cotter. Toxteth Park, Lancashire, joiner-Aug. 15. Horsnaill. Dover, carpenter-Aug. 15. Pitcher. Cmbble, Kent, miller-June 7. Batson and Ce. Berwick-upon.Tweed, bankers-May 24, Walden, Cambridge. butcher-Aug. 16. Peake, Ramsgate. builder --May 31, &mot, Whitchurch, Oxfordshire, builder-May 27. Dickinson and 'Throp. Blackburn. iron.founders-May 26, Bemrose. Spalding. Lincolnshire, grocer-Juno 6, J. Threlfall. Manchester. merchant-June 6, T. Threlfall, Manchester, merchant- May 23, Sly. Melcombe Regis, draper.


Tube granted, valets ear ac be shown to the contrary, on or before May 24.

Caton. Preston, ironmonger-Parsons. Pleasley Hill, Nottinghamshire, malteter- Backhouse. Leeds. oil-meichaut- Bayntuu. Bath, surgeon- Carr and Bell. Leeds,

flax-spinners-Yes, ens, Ielington,scriveuer- Gipps, Howland Street, wine-merchaut-

Hill junior, St. Mary Axe, merchant.


CASSELS, JOHN and Co. Kepis. Perthshire, distillers, May 7. 23.

Lsse.n. Davits. Glasgow. land agent. May 9. 30.

SANG, EDWARD, MallCheater, civil engineer. May 9. June 6. Srewarer. Jonx, Pitnacree of Lade, Illair Athol. fin met., May 9,20.

WARREN Timmer and Co. Glasgow. glass-makers, May 9.27.

Friday, May 6.


Stephenson and Giles, Old Ford, starch makers-Hooper and Hunt. Exeter, wine- merchants-Slater and Morphet. Newlay , Yorkshire, scribbling•millers -Kennett and Heaton, Lime Street, oilmen-Yarringtou and Taylor. Norwich, stationers-Sampson and Moore, New Sarum, surgeons-Sampson and Co. New Sarum, surgeons; as far as regards Sampson-Johnson and Wyatt, Bowl Yard, St. Giles's, brewers -Taylor and Hollingsevoith. Chelsea, omnibus.proprietors Chappell and House, Cunnington. So- mersetshire, machine-makers-Rogers and Biddell,'West Smithfield, tailors-liuck and Rhind. Little Sussex Pince. Hyde Park Gardens, printers- Blauchard and Leighton junior, Little Lent Street, Southwark, bat-manufacturers-Gibson and Meacock. Liver- pool, merchants-T. and J. Maddock. Liverpool. tallow-chandlers-Fielding and Co. Heywood. Lancashire. linendrapers-J. and T. Haytou, Marypurt. Cumberland, mer- cers-Thyer and Renshaw, Sale Moor. Cheshire, chemists-Davis and Peak°. Comp- ton, Staffordshire, butchers-Just and Worthiugton. Liverpool. commission-merchants -J. and G. Hancock, Fenton, Staffordshire. builders-Merrett and Browning, Leaden- hall Street, surgeons-Park and Gouldesbrough, Manchester, iron-merchants-Patter- son and Peel. Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff-merchants -Perkins and Stone, Faversham, timber-merchants-J. and W. Templemau, Everingham, Yorkshire, veterivary-sur- geons -Barnes and Fell. Glossop, Derbyshire, cottou•spinners-Bainbridge and Bend' lug. Cheapside, shoemakers-Hiude and Martian, Sheffield, brewers -Danielsaud Co. NewcasUe-upon-Tyne. paper staiuers; as far as regards Daniels.


Boom, WILLI ,ist, Reading, tobacco•manufacurer, May 6. Yours°, JOHN, Lambeth Marsh, s ictualler, May 5.


Lomcwoon, JAMES, Wakefield, linendraper.

LOWNDES, Jome HOPE, Liverpool, merchant.


CAPEL, HENRY, Cooper's Row, Tower Heir, wine-merchant, to surrender May13. June 17: solicitor, Mr. Watteau's. Austiutriare ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basing- hall Street.

CasweLmr. WILLIAM. Manchester Street. Gray's Inn Road. carpenter. May 13. June 17: solicitor, Ivimey, Chancery Lane: official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Bit-chin Lane. HILL. Josern. Chichester, grocer, May 19, Jnne 17: solicitors, Mr. Dohie, Lancaster Place, Waterloo Bridge: and Mr. Sherwood, Chichester. llionersnete. Witmer'. Manchester, commissiGn-agent. May 25. June 17: solicitors, Messrs. Makinsou and Sanders. Temple; and Atkinson and Sounder Mauchesier. ' POPE, DOMINICK, Fenchurch Street. merchant, May 14, June 17: solicitor, Mr. Lloyd, Cheapside; official assignee, Mr. Edwards. Ohl Jewry. Room, JOSEPH, Bromyard, scriteuer, May 13. June 17: solicitors, Messrs. White and Eyre, Bedford Row; and Messrs. Finch and Junes. Worcester.

SANDERSON, RICHARD. Leeds, corn-factor, May 13, June 17: solicitors, Messrs. Smith- son and Mitten. Southampton Buildings; stud Messrs. Dunning and Stawman. Leeds. Sarrzernwarre. JOHN. Cullum Street, wine merchnut. May 13, June 17: solicitors, Templer and Co. Great Tower Street; official assignee. Mr. Green, Ahlermeubury. SHALST. ISAAC, Keswick. Cumberland, edge-tool manufacturer, May 26, June 17: solicitors. Mr. Armstrong, Staple Inn ; and Mr. Hall, Keswick. Suentocx. GEORGE. Liverpool. ship-broker, May 19, June 17 solicitors, Messrs. Adliugton and Co. Bedford Row; and Messrs. Crump and Hassell. Liverpool.

Sorer/rem Joseen, Kidderminster, victualler. May 16. Jtme 17: solicitors. Messrs. Dangerfield. Suffolk Street, Pall Mall Beat; and Mr. Briutou, K iddermiuster.

WATSON. RollERT, Collie, Lancashire. piece-manufacturer. May 18 June 17 solici- tors. Messrs. Hass Lies and Co. New Boswell Court ; and Mr. Ralehalgh, Bradford.


May 27, A. and T. Rivers, Egham, brewers-May 27, Bradford and Healey, Great

Trinity lAne, wholesale stationers-May 27. R. and S. Phillips. Regent Street, lamp- "0"•014ciuTels-MaY 27, C. and P. Knight, Ivy Lane, salesmen-May 27. Rowland, Horsham. lineudraper-May 28, Willson, King Street. St. Giles's. stationer-May 28, Castle, Rotherhillie. shipowner-May 27. Garlick. Greenuich. carpenter-May 27. Smith and Mouteath. Oxford Street. linendiapers -May 31. Smith, Doucaster, British wine.manufacturer-Mny 18, Williams. Llatiriest, Denbighshire, druggist -Juue 4, Pattinson. Ashton-under-Lyne, timber. merchant-May 31. Blackmere and Craven. Wakefield. millers-June 2. Brown, Sheffield. merchant-June 2. Knight, Southamp- ton, cabinetmaker-May 30, Swift, Manches1er, tailor-May 27,, Powell. Brighton, linendraper-June 3, Mather and Co. Manrheste r„ iroufoanders-May 31, Coulter, Doncaster, dealer. CERTIFICATES To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before imp 27.

Molyneux and Witherby, Lie crpool, merchants-King. Oxford, manufacturer of artificial teeth-Robertson and Co. Liverpool. Stile chandlers-Bright. Picket Street. draper. Page. Gloucester, carrier - Hartshorne, Whittington, Staffordshire, iron-ma- nufacturer -Woodhead, Duckmanton, Derbyshire, cattle-dealer.


Amcor. DAVID, Falkirk, ironmonger. May 12, June 9. BORKENSTEIN, DAVID AARONSON, and NEILSON JOHN, Glasgow, publishers, May 12, June 1.

Balmoral:. Some. Kirkaldy„ manufacturer. May 12, June 2. Cuisuots, WILLIAM, Glasgow, cooper. May 13, June 3. liAtesrr, Pares, Pitcur, Furfarshare. May 12."June 9. Bows. WILLIAM, Glasgow, cloth-merchaut, May 14, June 4. LAWRENCE, JAMES, Aberdeen, manufacturer, May 12, June .