7 MAY 1853, Page 19


ADMIRALTY, April 22.—Vice-Admiral of the White B. Hodgson has been appointed to receive a pension of 150/. a year, as provided in her Majesty'a order in Council of the 25th June 1851, vacant by the decease of Rear-Admiral Sir T. Fellowes. C.B. and the name of Vice-Admiral Hodgson has been removed to the Reserved Half-pay List accordingly; and in consequence of this removal the following promotions have this day taken place—Vice-Admiral of the Blue the Right Hon. George Earl Cado- gan, C.B. to be Vice-Admiral of the White; Bear-Admiral W. Ward, on Reserved Half-pay, to be Vice-Admiral on Reserved Half-pay ; Rear-Admiral R. Elliot, on Reserved Half-pay, to be Vice-Admiral on Reserved Half-pay ; Bear-Admiral of the Red the Hon. Sir F. B. R. Pellew, Ent. C.B. K.C.H. to be Vice-Admiral of the Blue; Bear-Admiral of the White Sir A. W. J. Clifford, Bart. and C.B. to be Rear-Admiral of the Red; Rear-Admiral of the Blue W. W. Henderson, C.B. and K.H. to be Rear-Admiral of the White; Capt. W. J. H. Johnstone to be Rear-Admiral of the


ADMIRALYT. April 213.—Corps of Royal Marines.—First Lieut. J. C. Symonds to be Capt. vide J. H. Mercer, resigned; Second Lieut. IL R. Tomlin to be First Lieut. vice Symonds, promoted.