7 MAY 1853, Page 9



The present week has borne a striking resemblance to its predecessor with regard to the value of Government Securities and the trifling fluc- tuations that have occurred. Monday was a holyday at the Bank of England and Stock Exchange. The tendency on several occasions since has been in favour of a rise, owing to the continued improvement in the 'Paris Funds, and the favourable advices from Constantinople concern- ing the Turkish question ; but checked by a demand for money, which has occasioned some sales of Stock. Consols have varied between 100/ f and 100; 1; closing today at 100: I for Money and Account, after having been sellers at for for present delivery. Exchequer Bills are very fiat at 2 discount 2 premium. Bank Stock has risen ; this week. The Foreign Market has been very inactive, and the various Securities are in most instances of the same value as on Saturday last. Mexican Stock has im- proved a, notwithstanding the advices by the 14 cot India packet dated Mexico, 2d ultimo, and published by the Committee of Bondholders, stating that "pro- ceedings had been instituted against Mr. Falconet at the instance of fifty-two ex-Deputies of the late Mexican Congress, for imputations against the Go- vernment and Legislature, contained in the reports of the late general meet- ing of Mexican Bondholders, held here on the 26th of January last. Under this process he had been arrested since the 29th of March, but understood that the proceedings against him were arbitrary and illegal, and expected soon to be liberated. It was his intention then to return to London ; and he requests the Committee not to take any steps with reference to this inci- dent. The packet has brought 70,000 dollars, being per balance of the cot- ton licences to the credit of the arrears, and 31,058 dollars to Messrs. Baring Brothers and Co. for account of the dividend." Sardinian is ; better, and Spanish Certificates I lower. The Railway Market has been rather firm, and an advance has occurred in some instances. Irish lines have been favourably influenced by anticipa- tions regarding the Exhibition traffic. Yesterday the English Shares were a little lower. Great Western declined 5s. and Midland 10s. At the close of the Market, the difference in some of the leading lines compared with Satur- day last was to the following extent. Increase-York and North Midland, ; East Lancashire, 11. 10s. ; Caledonian, 1/. 5s. ; Aberdeen, Great Southern and Western (Ireland), Norfolk, North British, Shrewsbury and Birmingham, Waterford and Limerick, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 11. • Dublin and Belfast Junction, 108. Decrease-Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 1/. 108. ; Great 11 estern, Midland, and South-eastern, 10s. ; London and North-western, 5s. French Shares have improved this week to the following extent, owing to an advance in Paris-Paris and Orleans, 21.10s. ; Paris and Strasbourg, 1/. 158. ; Paris and Rouen, 1/. ; Paris and Lyons, and Western of France, 15s. ; Rouen and Havre, 10s. ; Grand Junction of France, and Northern of France, 7s. 6d. Southern of France have declined 10s. Today the English lines are a shade lower, but the prices of Foreign have been maintained.


The English Funds continue in the same state as yesterday ; Consols are 100; -; for Money and Account, and Exchequer Bills 2 discount 2 premium. Foreign Stocks have not altered, and there is little doing. Railways are heavy, and at lower quotations; • the following bargains have been recorded -Caledonian, 67 ; Great Wesfern, 91;; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 79; ; London and North-western, 119; North British, 351 ; Midland, 75; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 70; York and North Midland, 61;.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 33 per Cents Long Annuities 1001 I I I 100 4 1034 / 5 15-16 6 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 23 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 8 per Cents Peruvian Scrip 84 6

653 el

95 64

27 4101


Bank Stock 2273 83 Portuguese 4 per Cents 394 Exchequer Bills 2 dis. 2 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 119 21 India Stock 260 2 Ditto 44 per Cents 104 5 Brazilian 5 per Cents 100 2 Spanish 3 per Cents 484 9 Belgian 43 per Cents 97 9 ex d. Ditto Deferred 24 3 Chilian 6 per Cents 103 5 Sardinian 5 per Cents 974 84 Danish 5 per Cents 104 6 Austrian 5 per Cents 100 2